Get ready to fall in love, Columbia. We’re kicking off this year’s batch of Personals with a double-hitter: SB. If you want to take this awesome human on a date, email and we’ll set it up (furnished by ten whole dollars). If you don’t, we still think you deserve a shot at love. Fill out our short questionnaire and send a picture to and the face to the right could be yours.
Name, Year, School, Major: SB, 2014, CC, History
Preference: Lady for a dude.
Hometown: Santa Monica, CA
Your nightmare date in seven words or fewer: Famiglia. “How is your thesis going?”
What redeems you as a human being? 100% believe magic is real.
Library room of choice: Reference Room.
Beverage of choice: Coffee. Whiskey/ Ginger. Fireball.
Guilty pleasure song: I’m too damn old to feel guilty about music. Join me. Give up shame for Lent. If I’m drunk, I will cry at “Space Oddity.” I am a little bit ashamed of that.
Where can you usually be found on a Saturday night? Unclear. But, can promise I will be at Trivia Night on Tuesday night.
Historical Hottie: Bhagat Singh
@RR Jared
You are stunning! Wow
@Salonee You are stunning! Wow
@Floormate This dude is my neighbor. He is a chill person. Good luck mate!
@jj10 jj10 love forever
a poem
that jared he’s so fine i think that every time i see him through the window or outside sometimes i even see him at westside
@yeah seriously and she studies history? dream girl.
@anon so your saying she can’t handle a real major?
@No disrespect but.... I’d hit that like ASAP she cute
@anon Maybe its a bad picture but that girl is ugly. Good luck getting a date.
@Tastemaker Excuse me, bitch? Let’s see your crusty face then. Do something productive instead of continuing to stuff cheetos puffs down your greasy throat and getting the orange dust all over the 1997 IBM computer keyboards at the New York Public Library to hate on others.
@anon sorry im not a poor fuck. I can afford my a nice new computer and I have my Butler feed me Cheetos so no dust on the keyboard you pleb
@Anonymous You can honest to god go fuck yourself. I sincerely mean that. I have no idea why people like you even exist.
@Anonymous Wow, so original and clever. I’d love to see what you came up with for your admissions essay.
@Wenyi Where is the cold oatmeal section of Westside?
@Anonymous Across from the cheeses. Its semi-secretly the best thing at Westside.