Two guys walking out of McBain…
Guy 1: So wait bro, what if a girl had a sex change like her second
year at Barnard, would she still be allowed graduate?
Guy 2: Or if a Columbia guy had one and then wanted to transfer to Barnard?
Outside of Tom’s. A group of 4 boys…
Boy 1: No, I’LL put the condom on MY head, and YOU’LL take the picture
with your camera-phone.
Boy 2: Fine. We’re goin’ to Duane Reade.
Heard something absurd? Send it in:
@justin to reply to boys 1 and 2, wouldn’t you die of asphyxiation.
@sll If you do it right you’ll be fine. A health teacher from my highschool used to do it every year for her freshman students.
@bree the answer to guy 1 is yes. A FTM student graduated from barnard in 04.