Free condoms in France, plus an update on the “tridemic” in today’s Bwoglines.
Where does Duane Reade get off selling a three pack of condoms for $6.99? We all know that’s absurd, but tonight when you notice that condom in your wallet (the one you got from that anti-smoking street performance group six months ago) is just a little too expired, you’ll shell out that seven bucks without […]
Think your first round of midterms is stressful? At least your parents aren’t in town—note the following exchange between a macho-looking father and his Furnaldian son. The dialogue took place in a Furnald hallway, whilst the father pointed toward the dorm’s notorious resident condom bag. Father: So, have you been utilizing these condominiums? Son: Uhh, yeah. […]
Some New Yawkas are learning to tawk with a less distinctive regional accent. (NY Times) The Pope says condoms are OK for male prostitutes. (NPR) Luckily, the Post has the “inside story of the turkeys set to be pardoned by the president.” Two of the Ben-Franklin-promoted birds “will live the life of luxury” while their […]
Use condoms. Have a good year! Guide by Stephen Davan. Click to enlarge in a pop-up window. RAs and other Good Samaritans, you can download a PDF version of this map for printing in color or greyscale. Columbia Condoms: Gotta Catch ’em All!
Guy to girl, in conversation: “Ok good. Because nothing happened…” [Pause] “But we did use a condom.” Image via Flickr/victoriapeckham
Bacchanal has come and gone, and the sun has risen on an amazingly immaculate Low Plaza once again. But while you were getting your drink on, your smoke on, and your face rocked by Wiz Khalifa, Ghostface Killah, and Of Montreal—and probably the shoe of a crowd-surfer or two—Bwog was in and around the concert […]
Entrenched in finals, begging for mercy. Outside the reading rooms, the real world keeps working. Sex Starting with the good stuff: CollegeOTR may have been correct in saying Columbians are “oversexed“: A Columbia sex ed professor (oh yes, we have those) is worried about the rise of what a popular television show termed “What What […]
Last night, tipster Ryan Withall recommended checking out 317 Hamilton, where, he wrote, students had gone a bit crazy on the blackboard during what must have been an intense study session. Curious, Bwog took a break from work and headed over, to find a creepy crop circle of chairs, arranged in the shape of a […]
Bwog has no words. In other potty gossip: Guy #1 – So, I almost crapped myself during the exam because the professor wouldn’t let me leave. Guy #2 (after pausing pensively) – I think if a professor doesn’t let you take a dump during the exam, it should be considered fair game to just drop […]
Two guys walking out of McBain… Guy 1: So wait bro, what if a girl had a sex change like her second year at Barnard, would she still be allowed graduate? Guy 2: Or if a Columbia guy had one and then wanted to transfer to Barnard? Outside of Tom’s. A group of 4 boys… […]
An eagle-eyed Bwog correspondent observes that this condom has been sitting outside St. A’s for three days now. At least when these frat boys are screwing the poor, they use protection…
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