CORRECTION to earlier post:
It appears that our source on the statistic that 13 out of 57 people tested for HIV yesterday must have misheard: according to a staff member at the Gay Health Advocacy Project, Bronx AIDS Services (who provided the HIV antibody testing) clarified that only 29 people were tested–none positive.
For future reference: GHAP offers free and confidential HIV testing to everyone–gay, straight, staff and students–during walk-in hours, Monday through Thursday from 4:00-7:00 PM, or by appointment (854-6655). Results are available the day following the test.
@Talk about shity journalism! Shame on you, Bwog!
@well, it worked. stupid but it got me to schedule myself an HIV test.
@Another major correction, Bwog? It looks like it might be time to start properly sourcing your stories.
@I disagree, This was the responsible thing to do, a quick correction if anything shows they do care about sources.
@right but the more responsible thing to do would be not to base initial posts merely on what is overheard. Sourcing shocking — or any — information like that to a person or organization is important. It’s really lazy “reporting” otherwise.
@yeah but it was sourced to Shade Ogunleye, right?
@Very true and you’re expecting what, exactly, from a gossip blog?
@btw it should be: la embarramos
@wondering whats with the spanish… and whos translating?
@I hope you’re kidding and deep down inside know that it’s actually Latin.
Either that or I’m the typical Columbia student who takes everything seriously.
@I think #1 was talking about the “ensuciamos”…
@The ad campaign around the city uses both “Conoce” and “Know” — it’s actually pretty well designed. And then this headline is a takeoff on the last headline, which used “Conoce” and “Know” again.