From the “Not Again” Department: Bored@Butler has internal competition.
For those of you holed up in
Purgatory Butler last week for midterms, Bwog’d bet that you saved a tab in your browser for Bored@Butler ( The site is an anonymous message board for Columbia students stuck in the library to post their thoughts.
According to WikiCU, founder Jonathan Pappas (CC ’06) wanted to see what Columbia students would say if the social filter were removed. An easier approach would be to read Youtube comments, however; even without complete anonymity, there’s hardly a filter.
Though the site quickly hosted thousands of posts in the days after its launch in February 2006, it has since degraded into the repetitive drivel of sex-starved students. As of the publication of this article, the current topics included general hate, the possibility of random hookups, and Stephan‘s hair. More telling are this week’s “best”: “Oh, I need a blowjob. Really” and a girl reportedly giving herself a breast exam in Milstein. Honestly, Bwog is amazed by the introspection shown by Ivy Leaguers.
Hoping to spread the love to other schools, Pappas (“JP”) launched the BoredAt[Columbia/Brown/Yale/Etc] network for a short time, before reverting to the original BoredAtButler site.
Trying once more to capture a wider audience, the new site on the block is As far as Bwog can tell, it’s pretty much BoredAtButler, but adapted to our new favorite theme: social networking.
The site’s left column is dedicated to the anonymous chat features of BoredAtButler, but now includes the option of using a nickname, similar to IRC. In our humble opinion, this contradicts the oh-so-clever play on words that is “Faceliss.” The right column is home to dedicated threads, seperated into topics like “rants,” “overheard,” and “greek” (empty). There’s a “Vote Up” button for each thread.
Bwog wasn’t sure if this would turn into another BoredAtButler, so it checked the “Featured Polls” and “Featured Search Topics” at the bottom of the page:
- ex relationships
- depression
- girls
- Do you pee in the shower?
Fear not: students at all schools have similar obsessions. Faceliss is available for many schools, including our friends at Yale, MIT, and those people in the Village.
@people who are always on boredatbutler:
warholian ass who keeps writing ‘cindy gao’
random people who just want to make stephan more famous (though i have to admit that guinevere comment was hilarious)
solitary latino-poet guy
person obsessed with vesal yazdi (not a surprise considering vesal is ALWAYS at butler)
people who keep describing their mystery girls and guys (virginia woolf girl, winona ryder girl, etc.)
lonely gay guys looking for sex
creepy grad students who always want to frolic with kittens in the stacks
sports fans
jock haters
garrett cottrell haters
guys looking for bj’s
haven’t seen any of these lowlives at faceliss, though there’s plenty of weirdoes there
@Play on words? “In our humble opinion, this contradicts the oh-so-clever play on words that is “Faceliss.””
Maybe I’m just dense, but what exactly is the “play on words” here? I just assumed was taken or something.
@digg was created after the dot-com bubble, so it is inappropriate to refer to it as “”.
@... welcome to the new new new new economy. or as we like to call it, the new^4 economy. or web 2.oh shit, not this crap again.