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Posts Tagged with "procrastination"

Because you can never get enough obscure dining hall comparisons.

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Learn about all the things Bwog is getting ready for in this edition of Field Notes!

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Some more midterm results and an update about the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree in today’s Bwoglines!

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In the heart of finals season, Bwog is here to tell you how not to study.

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Has your friend made you a starter pack yet? Nah? Ok, sucks for you, but we made one that applies to the whole university. Here is is! Enjoy. Starter packs look bad. However much effort you might put into finding the perfect objects is almost certainly more than what you put into arranging them on […]

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We’re already a full week into the semester, and summer seems far behind us. So do we really have to complete those reports “required” by our internships? The presentations “required” by our grants? Did anything actually happen this summer? One Bwogger examines her failure to produce a 10-page final report (the culmination of three months’ work) […]

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Finals season–fun, or focus? What is it really about? We’d lean towards the former. You can study, and still have a lot of fun, too. Even if you aren’t winning the Kentucky Derby like this horse, you can *win* at finals season with our gnarly study tips below. Bwogline: A horse named Nyquist (Nyquil? no) […]

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We weren’t sure what this “reading week” stuff was all about, so we sent staff writer Phoebe to find out. Turns out, we’re actually expected to study this week! Well, that wasn’t going to happen, so instead Phoebe compiled a list of 10 alternatives to this “studying” nonsense to get you through the next seven or […]

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Bwog knows you’re bored and trying to procrastinate, so we’ve gathered some of our staff’s favorite Wikipedia pages to pass your time. Feel free to add more in the comments! Hungry for some history? Maybe you just want to own a dog vicariously. The Harlem Shake in real life Correct your friends about literally everything! […]

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Still need more ways to procrastinate for your midterms? Bwog has you covered! When you’re spending all that time on Twitter to avoid your calculus textbook, your tweets can start to feel a little dry. But not anymore, with our new favorite website that proclaims “Yes, that CAN be my next tweet!” This text generator […]

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Bwog literally runs on the human spirit. If you have lots of human spirit that you’d like to earmark for Bwog’s consumption, you should be a Daily Editor. Dailies get to ask people probing questions, get into events for free, have their words on the Internet, and consume lots of Westside cookies at meetings!* If […]

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Sure, it’s Saturday night, but it’s also finals week, meaning that your closest encounter with anyone “dressed to impress” will likely be with this girl. Regardless, that urge to pack up and hit The Heights is probably pretty strong about now. To aid in your decision, we happily present a favorite from the archives, the […]

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Night number two of this year’s Halloweekend—that’s a thing, we swear… use it—brings with it the longest line Morningside Heights has seen since Campo Mike first introduced “Cloud Nine Saturdays” (may they rest in peace). And fear not, freshpeople, you don’t even need a fake ID once you reach the front! A tipster reports a […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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