Satow Room Bureau Chief Martha Turewicz attended last night’s CCSC meeting.
It’s that special time of year again, and last night’s CCSC meeting was infused with some of that special holiday cheer.
The meeting began, as it so often does, with President George Krebs pounding out a peppy little drumbeat on the desk.
Notably absent (at least, until near the end of the meeting, when he tried to enter the room through a part of the glass wall that was not, in fact, the door) was VP of Policy Adil Ahmed, who was bidding his parents farewell at the airport before they embarked on a hajj to Saudi Arabia. “A little bit of a higher calling than a CCSC meeting”, quipped Krebs.
Another higher calling than a CCSC meeting: the free pie event in Broadway, in concession to which the meeting would be ‘kicked out a few minutes early” (again, the ever-quotable Krebs).
Further Krebs-ing: since we are “nearing Christmas-time”, which is a little “teary-eye inducing”, CCSC decided to host secret Santas, into which yours truly will be “up in the mix.”
And what’s a holiday without cards? Krebs suggested future resolutions to congratulate his friend and freshly-minted Rhodes Scholar Jisung Park, perhaps in card form. He suggested that the same honor be extended to Dean Quigley, who will be leaving us after this year.
On a less festive note, Sean Udell noted an exciting new development in McBain, namely that wastebaskets will be installed in each stall of the female restrooms.
Such exciting updates are now sent out by Krebs via e-mail, a development which considerably shortens the meetings (something we can all celebrate).
Despite the newfound brevity, Krebs still noted a certain ennui among the crowd: “Everyone has a glazed, ‘pie’ look right now.”
@cn483pmxg This is actually hilarious. If you want to read a real update go somewhere else. This is funny.
@kflefksl no he’s not. and you’re an asshole
@hghjghj is adil gay?
a serious question
@Worse than CCSC’s website is ESC’s which doesn’t even have minutes, current policies initiatives, or names/pictures of current council members on the site. Such a shame ESC can’t even put a facade of transparency up with internal e-board elections.
@sdfsdfsdfdsf shame on the person controlling the CCSC website! they havent even updated the photos of the people on board! How are we supposed to know who they are?
@Bwog Why did it take you more than 24 hours to write a report that had so little substance in it?
@... If CCSC meeting minutes are posted right after every meeting, where is Sunday’s minutes then on So much for transparency if CCSC doesn’t update its own website’s policy and communication sections.
@. . . Incumbents should expect a strong challenge at the end of the year.
@djlfjel please do something about:
@I miss the geometer.
@well CCSC has done nothign to improve transparency, student group space, or fight the WAR ON FUN. NOTHING.
And why are you wasting time honoring Quigley? Most CC students haven’t heard from him since commencement (besides the email announcing his resignation) and couldn’t tell you what he looks like. I can’t imagine a more aloof Dean.
@ccsc Transparency: minutes on the ccsc website are more detailed and outline what CCSC is working on
Student Group Space: Lounge Space for student group meetings
War on Fun: Dean’s Discipline/Party Policy is actually one of Krebs’s big projects this year.
Dean Quigley: We’re going to try to make him more visible this year so you actually know who he is.
@sorry but lounge space is not CCSC’s doing.
No progress has been made on the War on Fun.
Please don’t waste time on Quigley because he seems to consider interacting with us a waste of time.
@Clearly You don’t really know what is going on.
War on fun: we’ve already drafted a document for the new discipline dean and are working on a student judicial committee. We are also going to be trying to make the process more transparent and make sure the regulations are clearly posted and available to every student and not the arbitrary decision of a few administrators.
Lounge Space; CCSC is actually involved in this discussion, we have been debating how best to use the new spaces opening up and are working on a plan for vacant floor lounges like those in EC
Quigley: actually does care a lot about students and gets to know a good number of them. Apologies if you haven’t made any effort to attend anything with him or if you are not actively involved in a club on campus and thus don’t have a chance to interact with him.
As stated above the transparency argument is somewhat ridiculous, all the minutes are posted online immediately after the meeting. Maybe if Bwog’s correspondent didn’t half-ass it we wouldn’t be dealing with uninformed criticism. There is plenty to complain about with the way CCSC operates and with the larger administrative structure at this school that limits what we can achieve, what’s not reasonable is to make claims without actually looking into our projects
@Orly? Maybe you should get your head out of your ass.
Lounge space was a discussion brought about by ESC, and the lead on it was taken by the ESC, Governing Boards and administrators. CCSC did nothing around this issue, but as usual, will claim the credit.
As for Dean’s discipline, CCSC was agonizingly slow when this was first brought up by Governing Boards after Minutemen. Because you procrastinated, we now have no permanent Deans of CC/SEAS, and Dean’s discipline will not be reformed during our time.
Sorry but you are an arrogant prick. The fact that I have to be a student leader to have the privilege of meeting Quigley is exactly the kind of bullshit I am talking about. And yes, I was invited to the 30-senior-leaders dinner for his farewell. Were you? I seem to remember Zvi extending an invitation to every engineer for his farewell.
As for transparency…wow you have public minutes? Good job! You’ve solved the student council transparency problem. You were really transparent in handling the ROTC issue.
The fact that you would talk down to me, assuming that I was just an ordinary student and ordinary students are less worthy than people on CCSC, is exactly the kind of bullshit that means that students will always despise their Councils.
@Bwog Please stop the shitty coverage of CCSC meetings. The Bwog correspondent rarely comes and when they do they rarely record the actual matters of substance. It’s entertaining to put in a Georgism but please at least make an effort
@Agreed Among the many non-noted events of CCSC’s meeting, this posting disregards the 3 new policy initiatives passed in CCSC regarding housing. Sophomores and Juniors in Spring 2009 will be able to “re-group” if they don’t get a suite [and thus, they can try suite selection again in a different form], exclusion suites are no more, and same-suite selection is no more as well.
Bwog, postings like this make you look less relevant and less capable than Spectator, which is a FEAT! Show your true ability and step up, please!
@random Is Krebs a douche? aye or nay?
@Reply Nay. I love Krebs and his bear hugs. Nothing better.