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Posts Tagged with "adil ahmed"

Next week the student councils will be sending a survey out to the student body, to gather opinion on the proposed campus smoking ban. To provide a little background, tonight we present senior editor Adam Kuerbitz’s feature on the ban, from the new issue of the Blue and White. The cigarette break has changed drastically […]

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Much of last night’s CCSC meeting split two ways was concerned with the CCSC Town Hall and College Days, with George Krebs and Robyn Burgess reminding the council members to come out. Actual news was little in evidence, with one exception: VP for Policy Adil Ahmed, CC 2010 President AJ Pasuca, and CC 2010 VP […]

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 – Columbia University   The Sunday CCSC meeting effectively consisted of one item, and one item only: questioning Senior Executive Vice President Robert Kasdin, Kasdin, who has been described to Bwog by council members as “the man holding the purse strings” and “the damage control guy,” has been PrezBo’s right-hand man going back to Michigan. […]

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The weekly CCSC meeting began with a rousing singing of Happy Birthday for the members with February birthdays, and the distribution of free M2M coconut wafers. In a textbook case of crossed wires, a birthday cake appeared five minutes later (with trick candles! Teehee!), and a second round of Happy Birthday singing ensued… On the […]

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Satow Room Bureau Chief Martha Turewicz attended last night’s CCSC meeting. It’s that special time of year again, and last night’s CCSC meeting was infused with some of that special holiday cheer. The meeting began, as it so often does, with President George Krebs pounding out a peppy little drumbeat on the desk. Notably absent […]

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Bwog just received an email from CCSC VP of Policy Adil Ahmed that announced there are two ROTC forums in the works  — one at Barnard, one at Columbia — designed to serve as platforms for different groups to present their views on the issue to the campus. These forums will be open to the […]

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In response to widespread concerns over access to the ROTC survey planning meetings that have been going on amongst student groups, the next meeting will most likely be moved to Friday, and be declared open to all groups, pending a vote from the current coalition of group and council representatives. The move was pushed for […]

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Earlier today, we spoke to SGA President Sarah Besnoff, who explained that despite reports of Swipe Access’ imminence, in fact, a CCSC/SEAS survey on the issue is the next step in actually moving forward on this thing. According to CCSC VP of Policy Adil Ahmed, this survey will be sent out “shortly.” CCSC is currently […]

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DJ Tanner, the Pike-based hip-hop group comprised of Peter Capraro SEAS ’09 and Michael Kosdan SEAS ’09, has just released “The Experience,” in which DJ T thoroughly reps Krebs and company, citing, among other things, their fresh tattoos and an ability to rock gold hearts like ice cubes. While you can hear the tune here, […]

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Experience Columbia will experience a 10% decline in the number of available posters because of the now infamous letter of Adil Ahmed.  The Elections Board ruled in their favor.  Full letter after the jump. The Official Bwog Poster Count: Alidad Damooei: 1000 George Krebs: 900 -JJV

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A tipster forwarded Bwog editors an email sent at 2:48 AM last night by George Krebs’ prospective VP of Policy Adil Ahmed. Apparently, Ahmed had sent an email to various student leaders describing his plan for CCSC: “When a bold vision is combined with concrete plans, I know that we can put aside any doubts […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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