For those of you who don’t read your council presidents’ emails, there is a forum on NROTC tonight in Sulzberger Parlor (3rd floor of Barnard Hall) from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Both pro and con sides have chosen speakers to represent them in the forum, which will be moderated by SGA president Sarah Besnoff. The format will be as follows:

  • Opening statements – 7 minutes for both sides
  • Predetermined questions (3 questions about the impact on student life, the role of Columbia’s NROTC history, and the role of DADT in the debate) for a total of 30 minutes
  • Audience questions for 30 minutes
  • Closing statements – 5 minutes for both sides

Both the pro and con sides have chosen speakers to represent them, although names have not yet been released, thanks to ongoing negotiations over the number of panelists.