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Posts Tagged with "What could possibly go wrong?"

In April, we reported that rumors both on campus and in print were suggesting that Professor Joseph Massad would soon be granted tenure. Now, everyone’s favorite tabloid/monitor-of-all-Columbia-controversies, the New York Post, reports (via HuffPo) that Massad has been granted tenure.  In an article neutrally-entitled “Columbia Tenures An Israel Basher,” columnist Jacob Gershman writes that Columbia […]

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 Image via The hidden forces around Columbia are readying themselves for the arrival of that mistress of madness Ann Coulter on Monday.  But oh, twist!  Conversio Virium, the BDSM campus group known for its sex toy demos, will be hosting author Kate Bornstein starting sixty minutes after the Coulter debacle.  She’ll be talking about […]

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Let’s be honest: this semester’s been pretty lacking for controversial speakers. Until now, that is. Yes, famous author, commentator, and hater-of-all-latte-sipping-liberals Ann Coulter is coming to Columbia this May 4th. Coulter is being brought by the Columbia College Republicans and the Columbia Conservative Forum, with assistance from Young America’s Foundation and the Clare Booth Luce […]

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Last May, rumors circulated that controversial Professor Joseph Massad was up for a second round of tenure review, after having been denied tenure six months earlier. Now, word is spreading both on campus and in media outlets that Massad has been granted tenure. Massad, who is in Egypt this semester, did not respond to an […]

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 – Photo by JCD Jonesing for a good Gaza protest? About 20 members of the Columbia Palestine Forum are out on Low Steps for several hours today, calling for divestment from Israel and other non-contentious ideas. Those looking for more background can check out the LectureHop of last night’s teach-in. If nothing else, they’d appreciate […]

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   Photo Courtesy of NYU Local The Columbia Students for a Democratic Society, who used to know a thing or two about campus protest, just sent out a press release from Take Back NYU, the pro-Gaza-ish, Marxist-y group that took over Kimmel Hall last night. Their first demand? They request, “full legal and disciplinary amnesty […]

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Sure, seniors may be looking at the worst job market in decades, but at least they have some of Columbia’s fun senior traditions to look forward to! Or, you know, not. The administration’s “War on Fun” campaign looks to be well on its way to destroying a proud senior pastime, as sources tell Bwog that […]

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Looking for a little activism to go with your lunch next Monday or Tuesday? A group claiming the name “The Columbia Community Stands With Gaza” has announced a series of pro-Gaza events to take place next week. The events include a protest, a speak out, and a series of candlelight vigils (three types of events […]

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As you may have heard, there’s a bit of a to-do in Gaza right now. Being an utterly uncontroversial source for Israel-Palestine conflict analysis, Columbia hasn’t been able to keep its name out of the media, with several professors offering their thoughts on the latest clash. Some samples: Just before the start of the conflict, […]

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For those of you who don’t read your council presidents’ emails, there is a forum on NROTC tonight in Sulzberger Parlor (3rd floor of Barnard Hall) from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Both pro and con sides have chosen speakers to represent them in the forum, which will be moderated by SGA president Sarah Besnoff. […]

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Maven reporter Lydia DePillis contacted Bwog just moments ago with this alarming and amazing tip:  “Chicken and rice stand on 116th–with a tv!”  Any guesses on what the Chef is watching? Josh Brolin on SNL tonight, must-see-TV perhaps?     

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Want to relive some Bush administration history the day after Election Day? On November 5th at 8 p.m., former CIA counterterrorism leader and current vice-chair of Blackwater USA Cofer Black will be speaking at an event organized by the Columbia University International Relations Forum. Black became head of the CIA’s Counterterrorist Center in 1999, and […]

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You’ll recall Bwog reporting last week that Business School Alum and self-proclaimed “anti-feminist” Roy Hollander was suing Columbia for offering women’s studies courses. Apparently, these courses are discriminatory against men. Now, according to Bwog tipster Stephanie Quan, some Columbia women are interested in hearing his views. More specifically, the group Women in Science at Columbia […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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