NYC Department of Parks and Recreation provides sleds and free hot chocolate in Riverside Park today! (Gothamist)
The Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia argues that keeping inmates sober will help America economically in the long term. (Kansas City Star)
The Columbia Political Union wants to see where you stand.
Men’s basketball brings the heat to Penn, claiming their first sweep since 1968! (Spec)
@... The Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia argues that keeping inmates sober will help America economically in the long term. (Kansas City Star)
Couldn’t this sentence have been written better?
@hey bwog What about the 8.8 earthquake that hit Chile this morning, send a tsunami to virtually place (including Hawaii) in the Pacific?
@Megan Corrected, thanks!
@wrong not the basketball team’s first win since 1968, their first sweep of Penn
@Thats Why I Chose? Is Columbia making its own “Thats Why I Chose Yale” video? The CCSC email today seemed to imply something like that. If so, can we please not do this?