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Posts Tagged with "cpu"

Earlier tonight, Bwog was tipped about various members of CCSC, ESC, and GSSC voicing concerns about the Columbia Political Union’s newfound influence over the upcoming student council election process. The Columbia Elections Board (CEB), which was founded in 2013 “to conduct and publicize student council elections on campus,” is currently made up of four students, according to the CCSC […]

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As the school year starts, you will be inundated with student groups asking you to leave your fields to flower and join them.  Before you go signing up for every listserv under the sun, we wanted to provide you with a brief rundown on the cafeteria of Columbia–those student groups that make the most buzz […]

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Before heading downtown to tell FoxNews that Columbia loves Hannity, Herman Cain spoke in Low last night at the invitation of the College Republicans. He gave what seemed to be his standard hour-long speech outlining what he perceives to be a time of crises in America, including an “economic crisis,” an “illegal immigration crisis,” a […]

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Though we’ve already somewhat slyly commented on President Obama’s recent withdrawal of American troops from Iraq, we’ve decided that the event deserves a more thorough discussion. The U.S. has maintained a presence in Iraq since 2003, a.k.a. when most current undergrads were still in elementary and middle school. This war has dominated America’s foreign attention […]

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Last Tuesday, Bwogger Alex Jones hopped over to the law school to hear Michael Steele speak at an event hosted by the Columbia Political Union. As the former chairman of the GOP, Michael Steele has a past defined by partisanship. But the message he conveyed on Tuesday was one of post-partisan idealism. The speech was […]

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You are invited to watch the State of the Union Address with CPU, the “only non-partisan group on campus,” and eat their free pizza. From them: Loud cheers, snarky comments, and polite applause are all welcome. Stop by tonight from 9:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m at the Lerner Piano Lounge.

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Two events tonight feature free pizza: Blurred Frontiers: Race and Ethnicity in Latin America International Affairs, Room 707, 6pm (NOW) The Politics of Lady Gaga Politics and Pop Culture Panel Series Lerner 569, 8:00pm

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CPUCakes and Fresca

This evening at 9 p.m. on Lerner Ramps, CPU brings us a divinely inspired study break: Magnolia cupcakes and Fresca. While you’re waiting, take the CPU Census and you’ll be eligible to win a free MetroCard. You can also pick up your copy of the newest CPU CPR while you’re there. Thanks, guys! UPDATE, 8 […]

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NYC Department of Parks and Recreation provides sleds and free hot chocolate in Riverside Park today! (Gothamist) The Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia argues that keeping inmates sober will help America economically in the long term. (Kansas City Star) The Columbia Political Union wants to see where you stand. Men’s basketball brings […]

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Tonight at 8 PM in Havemeyer 309, Rebiya Kadeer, the woman dubbed the “Uyghur Dalai Lama” and the famed advocate for minority rights in China, will speak at an event sponsored by Columbia International Relations Council and Association in conjunction with Columbia Political Union and Amnesty International.  She’s the President of the World Uyghur Congress, […]

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The Columbia Political Union has a spiffy new blog up which introduces itself as a “one stop shop for politics and political events at Columbia.” Hooray, consolidation! The site has an events calendar with all sorts of fun on-and-off campus (sometimes very vaguely) political events, and is conveniently divided into categories of news, humor, campus, […]

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With such a short time before the election, apparently even third-party candidates are prone to last-minute cancellations. The CPU-sponsored debate between Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney, and Chuck Baldwin that was scheduled for Sunday evening in Lerner has been cancelled. In an email sent a short awhile ago, CPU Communications Director Lauren Salz wrote, “Due to […]

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CPU has released ticketing information for the Columbia-hosted Presidential Debate that will include Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney and Chuck Baldwin.  There will be 275 of the 400 seats reserved for CUID holders and you can get them either here or at the Lerner Lobby.  The debate is this Sunday, 8 p.m. in 417 IAB.  Full […]

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After the extravaganza that was the Obamacain ServiceNation Forum, other presidential candidates apparently could not help but get in on the action. According to McClatchy, three third-party candidates will be debating at Columbia this Sunday. Ralph Nader (independent), Cynthia McKinney (Green), and Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) will all participate in a debate moderated by Amy Goodman […]

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Bwog headed to Roone Cinema this evening ready for our daily dose of lively intellectual discourse, today’s source being the first of three debates between the College Democrats and Republicans on issues pertinent to the upcoming election. We settled into our cushy seat surrounded by a vast sea of argyle sweaters and watched the games […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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