We’re not sure how much Prince had to do with the creation of the Diana, but colored berets are definitely involved. This week’s report:

CCSC: Last night’s meeting began with some healthy self-analysis and critique, with the council noting their difficulties (As well as successes) in collaborating on policy and events with ESC–there was even a case study involved.  Communication and collaboration between the two councils, naturally, was announced as the chief goal moving into the spring semester.

Other topics discussed:

  • The Career Counseling Office’s effectiveness, both overall (hampered by lack of resources) and specifically with SEAS students.
  • The role of student government and the student body in response to major humanitarian crises. The council determined that student groups should mobilize and organize of their own accord, but that CCSC might get involved on a case-by-case basis.
  • The Study Day Controversy/Fall Academic Calendar proposal: CCSC noted that, among other things, the facts that 57% of students had to pay significantly much more to travel during the holiday season, and that religious needs often prevent students from celebrating the holidays with their families (especially international students), should be an impetus for change.  The council questioned whether to push for small, successive changes, or one large, sweeping one, and noted that starting before Labor Day would force parents among the faculty to pay for extra day care.  The earliest possible Senate vote can occur on February 12th.
  • Potential PrezBo book signing!
  • Proposed relocation and reduction of campus copies of The New York Times, but possible inclusion of weekend edition.

ESC: The meeting opened with the news about the Arts Initiative’s upcoming 30% budget cut (and, more importantly, the up-in-the-air status of the “lunch” in “Lunch with the Arts Initiative”). Beyond that, the almost-filled Academic Affairs position remains open; the one candidate running unopposed dropped out at the last minute.

ESC is also considering working with CCSC to hold a joint ESC/CCSC Café event. The goal of the project would be to solicit student feedback on the university’s financial aid system in an informal environment, while also providing students with free cupcakes and coffee.

In news sure to please the New York Post, Scott Wright, VP of Student and Administrative Services, announced that unless Deans Moody-Adams and Pena-Mora approve the Gender Neutral housing initiative in the next few days, it will not be available for students in the next academic year. Wright has also proposed a four year plan for wireless on campus, which if approved would get wireless internet installed in all dorms in the next four years.

SGA: The meeting opened with news on the mandatory meal plan front. President Spar, COO Brown, Dean Denburg, and others will hold an open meeting Thursday, but the status of any new dining contract remains murky. The creators of a Facebook group protesting the meal plan, to which nearly a quarter of Barnard students belong, spoke and questioned the planning process. Here, things got a bit heated, and by that we mean uncomfortable: two SGA members were involved in a consultancy position; the plan wasn’t presented as a choice, but rather already in motion. The Facebook group made mention of their desire for articles in campus publications and for the SGA to issue a public statement; the biggest issue seemed to be people with severe allergies.  One girl was “glutened” by the administration.

Talk then turned to the Diana, and to its official opening Wednesday.  Students will receive berets (!) in class colors, and all the important administrative higher-ups will be in attendance. (They’re still looking for a GSSC rep who’s “as young as possible.”)  The meeting ended with further discussion of student and student government paths for Haiti relief.