In case you were wondering what building it was that you just walked into, Columbia has thoughtfully provided guidance for the lost:
- Mudd is honestly soul sucking, maybe you should renovate the hallways, too.
Photos by DCH, GD & AB
In case you were wondering what building it was that you just walked into, Columbia has thoughtfully provided guidance for the lost:
Photos by DCH, GD & AB
@the right side of B'way somebody will vomit on the butler rug
@I had sex 4 times last night So, when does one of those carpets get replaced with one of the exact same color and design but it says “COLUMBIA COLLEGE IN THE CITY OF CHICAGO”?
@OCD Why is “Butler Library” not in caps? :|
In that vein, the least they could do was small caps. C’mon people.
@practical penis assailant Well, Butler Library is obviously too many letters.
@anonymous Oh come one these are cute
@Mudd carpet Oh good, I was looking for a place to wipe my feet.
@Anonymous I wouldn’t do that -you’ll get mudd all over them.
Harmony Hunter.
@I have a feeling that some of these rugs will mysteriously disappear in the next few weeks
@actually i think the butler carpet would look pretty good in my room
@facebook addiction? maybe I would “like” this if I could.
@the future won’t be too long until you can.
@Anonymous it’s alumni week. they’ll be gone in no time.
@lawd a mercy off-center Lewisohn rug FTL
@just an FYI... ever actually been there? the entrance and the stairs don’t allow for a carpet to be centered with both at the same time
@Anonymous how much do you want to bet that they aren’t permanent? $10 sez that they are removed after graduation.
@I'd ‘like’ this comment if I could
@Is this what my tuition is paying for? If so, I want my money back.
@Anonymous How long until the Mudd carpet is in Lewisohn, the Lewisohn carpet’s in Butler, and the Butler carpet set on fire in the middle of College Walk?
@Anonymous 10 bucks says three months.
@anonymosafaskld;fj is that a challange?
@alum these are hideous. they better be bolted down soon, or i’m going to steal them.
@Alum That’s probably why they say where they belong.
@Yikes. Are we no longer holding ourselves to a standard? Academically, the school’s never been better. But, in terms of accoutrements, we’re still nylon and velcro.
@Anonymous what exactly do you mean by “academically, the school’s never been better” ??
@Seriously? They couldn’t have gone with a plain blue rug?
This is just tacky.