Name, school: Katie, BC

Claim to Fame: Student Government Association President. You also loved my Midnight Breakfasts.

Where are you going? Law school eventually. A reproductive rights advocate later. Barnard historian last.

Three things you learned at Columbia:

  1. A sense of community isn’t created by a new building or policy. It happens when you’re sitting around complaining about a paper, debating the administration at a meeting, or sitting in Liz’s Place trying to caffeinate before a 9am class.
  2. Public speaking (in the English department) was the most humbling class I’ve ever taken. It was challenging and real, and was seminar full of students I would want to be friends with.
  3. When emailing: “hope this finds you well” > “hope this finds you with food poisoning.” Even if the latter is closer to the truth.

Justify your existence in 30 words or fewer: I put “write to-do list” on my to-do list. This ensures that at least one thing gets done.

Any war stories from the War on Fun? No war story, but I tie-dyed the walkway in front of Barnard library my sophomore year for an event. The slate looked beautiful.

Would you rather give up oral sex or cheese? String cheese is my favorite after-school snack, but I don’t do ultimatums.

Any advice for the Class of 2014? Spend as much time as possible in the Diana. Go to a Philo meeting. Become best friends with everyone in Dining. Surround yourself with people who will love you even when you’re cranky, belligerent, or wrong.

Any regrets? Not telling more people how proud I am to go to their school. It’s been real, Barnard.