Bwog’s Dad jokes that he married Bwog’s Mom because she had memorized the entire lineup of the ’69 Mets . If only that were still something to be proud of…
Bwog’s Dad jokes that he married Bwog’s Mom because she had memorized the entire lineup of the ’69 Mets . If only that were still something to be proud of…
@Bwog jr. Is a Yankee fan. GO YANKEEEEEEEES.
@dear bwog I am so glad you KNOW baseball history.. and your roots.
it is really important to understand where you come from.
Alas however…. those Dodgers moved to that state way across the country……sob sob
New York baseball was never the same since.
@Eliza Oh good call Carolyn I should’ve noted that– Bwog is, first and foremost, a Brooklyn Dodgers fan, and never an LA Dodgers fan. We are Mets fans because they, in their way, continue the legacy of the Dodgers. Also the Brooklyn Cyclones kind of.
@Eliza Sneesh, Nadal isn’t a team! Bwog is now, and will forever be, a Mets blog. We stand with them always, even this fucking atrocious season. But if it’s Yankees versus Red Sox, it’s always the Yankees. So let it be written, so let it be done.
@Carolyn But way back in the day, Bwog Sr. was a Brooklyn Dodgers fan. Before Citi Field and the new Yankee stadium, there was Ebbets in Flatbush.
@dear Bwog what is YOUR favorite team?
@Anish Team Nadal.
@Fuck Nadal He’s a douche.