It has been a riveting week here in Morningside Heights. Bwog brings you our weekly roundup of new and exciting things to ponder and post Facebook statuses about.
- Morton Williams is no longer carrying peaches, because it is a beacon of the local food movement.
- Morton Williams has decorated for Halloween, because Halloween is a month away, and pumkins are now in season (see above).
- Butler Cafe has decorated for Halloween, because Morton Williams has got the zeitgeist, and it aspires to be both fashionable and a haven for locavores, like Morton Williams.
- Butler’s old computer terminals, as well as many others on campus, are dressing up as new computer terminals, in the spirit of Halloween, which is in a month.
- Also in season, new office chairs.
- Columbia ranked number one in safe sex. Clearly all the time we have been spending in Butler Cafe has prompted us to follow their example of self-improvement.
- Community has a new fall menu, as we would by now expect given the above neighborhood developments.
@"Pumkin" ?
@Eliza It’s the inventive-spelling of pumpkin!