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Posts Tagged with "butler cafe"

In an effort to be of continual service to the Columbia community—and to avoid our collective mound of work—Bwog brings you a series of narrative reviews for the questionably labeled baked goods available at your favorite only Butler dining option: Butler Cafe.  (Daniel’s?) Swirled (Cheesecake?) Brownie None of these 1970s Japanese studies are showing up on […]

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This past weekend, Bwog’s crack team of bracketologists debuted the Bwog Coffee Showdown, with the goal of answering every Columbian’s foremost quandary: where is the best cup of coffee in Morningside? Sure, you can read about Linsanity on any sports page, but only Bwog’s Sports Desk can provide in-depth coverage of Columbia’s very own pursuit of the […]

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It’s November, which means it’s time to harvest the crops and begin the time of festive feasting. Columbia, in recognition of this, is doing its part to help you grow out that “winter coat” around your midsection.

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From the largest interdisciplinary fortress to the tiniest of urban meadows, no news is irrelevant. It’s about the bigger picture. A broken chain has been spotted on Low Plaza, trespass while you can! There is construction going on outside Nussbaum & Wu, so there is no outside seating (perhaps irrelevant in these current climes) Butler […]

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It has been a riveting week here in Morningside Heights. Bwog brings you our weekly roundup of new and exciting things to ponder and post Facebook statuses about. Morton Williams is no longer carrying peaches, because it is a beacon of the local food movement. Morton Williams has decorated for Halloween, because Halloween is a […]

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Zoinks! Columbia, or the librarians, or someone nice and also official, is giving out free bagels with cream cheese, fruit, and Oren’s (!) coffee tonight in Butler Cafe from 10 to midnight. Don’t be late, we are cautioned: supplies are limited. There will also be some study break activites, maybe some deep breathing and the […]

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Yet another delectable option is now available to you in Butler cafe. As well as the last of the Easter-themed treats on display, one can now also pick from a selection of instant vegan meals including Rice Pilaf and Curry. Proof the Dadaists have won: the vegan rice pilaf is chicken-flavored, and, you know, there’s […]

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In the latest edition of Bwog’s profiles of Columbia’s unsung heroes, B&W/Bwog contributor and professional Butler denizen Brian Donahoe sat down and got to know Raj Ramachandran, the altruistic man of Butler Café. It was a rainy mid-July afternoon when I first met Raj Ramachandran. My roommate had just met someone on the internet and […]

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Leo Gertsenshteyn reports: A man in a banana costume just ran screaming through 209 Butler. Luckily, it has promptly returned to being an uneventful night of studying and NSA sex in the stacks. And overheard in Butler Cafe: Girl: Oh guess what! I’m soooo excited! I got my books on Mesopotamia today! Guy: Oh, cool. […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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