Friday night at the Diana Event Oval, Bwog joined pleasantly not-that-sparse ranks of WBAR fans to see its showcase of campus bands. It was fun! The line-up featured a mix of styles, and included both undergrads and grad students:
Puppy Cops
Mike Ferraro & The Young Republicans
Dr. Blount
If your band is interested in playing on campus, or would like to get involved with WBAR, e-mail
- Tetractys
- Dr Blount
- Dr Blount
- Young Republicans
- Young Republicans
- Puppy Cops
- Puppy Cops
- Puppy Cops
Photography by Jonno Rattman
@Anonymous I’m surprised to see that Puppy Cops is unsigned.
@because WEDIDIT! yung blount at
@PUPPIES COPTICS puppy cops best band ever
@top dawg before puppy cops, there was…
@curious Many of the names are creative, but one is particularly conspicuous. What is the motivation behind “young republicans?”
@Anonymous it’s because they’re young republicans.
@curious I didn’t expect to see people advertising the fact that they hold such opinions in a place where the prevailing views are so different. If true, they have guts.
@curious I see that their myspace page says that they’re not.
@justin links to the bands if you want to check them out!
@BLOUNT …………
@LAUREN ………..
@irrelevant what’s with the whole barnard sisters and sororities thing on facebook?
@Eliza There’s a town hall meeting tomorrow to discuss Barnard funding for sororities, and people have all sorts of opinions!
@WBAR ay yo! thanks for puttin this up!
We are also accepting executive staff applications this week if you’re interested in getting involved, and there are a few open timeslots for radio shows still. For more info on concerts/events, in-studio performances/interviews, playlists and more check out the WBLOG at
@Anonymous where does one tune in to listen to said radio shows? and is there a schedule posted somewhere of who/what is on when?
@we are puppies and we are cops PUPPPPPPPPPIESSSSSSSSSSS, yo son, let’s collab and make phat ass beats
@who is the kid in the blue shirt?
i’m in love.
@god he’s from california
@justin his name is Cody and sorry but he is taken!
but how about that hunk in the gingham shirt <3
@Anonymous hey! i have a blue shirt too.
@>:( i’ve been in love with him all of my life.
@justin thanks for coming :) i had a lot of fun, hope everyone else did too
@puppy cops don’t worry, we’ve got it all under control.
@cc '13 puppiespuppiespuppiespuppiespuppiespuppiespuppiespuppies
@Anonymous A lot of thought must have gone into the name “Puppy Cops.”
@justin yeah it took us at least a month! and we still are happy with it