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Posts Tagged with "battle of the bands"

Five student acts take the musical stage pre-Bacchanal.

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Wondering who might be the 2023 Bacchanal headliner? So are we!

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Soon enough, stubborn and yellowing ice will give way to uncovered lawns, budding flowers, and the truest indicator of spring: Bacchanal. It might seem distant now, but maintain hope and eventually campus will be congested, disorganized, and presumably, awash in the sounds of good (???) music. If you’re a musician and interested in participating in this great […]

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Today the Bacchanal Executive Board released an official statement regarding this year’s annual spring concert, appropriately titled “They Don’t Want You To Bacch.” The show is scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 2, 2016, a date that was chosen “carefully to avoid any religious holidays, Days on Campus, and set-up for graduation.” As we count down the days until […]

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Want to leave an equally infamous Bacchanal legacy as that of Fountain Girl & Co? Have something to brag to your kids about when you speak of the college wonder years by submitting a sample of your very on music to the Bacchanal Committee to put you in the running to start off the one day a […]

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Battle of the Bands is canceled, but in brighter news The Bacchanal Executive Board is starting to leak some information. Most significantly the headliner will be announced April 1st. Read below for the full press release. We regret the missteps that led to the cancellation of this year’s Battle of the Bands, which was supposed to […]

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Around noon, today, Bacchanal announced that its Battle of the Bands, to determine one of the #THROWBACCHANAL openers, was a no-go. A comment promised: “There will still be a student opener to be decided upon by online form. Stay updated to fill out the form and decide who will be your student opener!” Fair enough; no student-run […]

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On Saturday at 9 pm in the Lerner Party Space, eight student bands will compete for your votes to play at Bacchanal. Each of the following groups will perform a 20 minute set: The Foggy Details, Lubeen, Bold Forbes, Star and the Sea, Vonzie Vidda & Flaxo, Phonoscenes, Ace of Cake, and Morningsiders. Back in December, we […]

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An opportunity to find eternal fame and glory: open for the main act of this year’s spring concert. You could meet somebody famous, which would make you more famous, which is, like, the most important thing a person can be. As they did last year, Bacchanal is looking for a student group to open for Baccha90s. Try out! […]

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In the final event of Engineering Week, campus jam band Ace of Cake won the Battle of the Bands by popular vote on Sunday night, instrumentally rocking their way to victory in the Lerner Party Space. A $500 cash prize and “eternal glory” are but a few of the perks they now enjoy. Rumors are […]

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The Abacchalypse approacheth—only 14 days away! Last night, CU Records hosted a battle of the bands to see which Columbia band would get to open for inimitable Snoop Dogg and Das Racist. We now know that CUSH (Columbia University Society of Hip-Hop) came out on top, but Bwog’s resident Rocker Groupie Lily Icangelo was there […]

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Why is Columbia so violent? The Clash of the Classes continues unabated, the Battle for IAB ended in an indecisive slaughter, everyone is preparing for the upcoming Penny War, and tonight’s the Battle of the Bands! There are ten nine contestants, but only one will be victorious and perform during the Abacchalypse. It’s like the Highlander, if […]

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The Abacchalypse approaches! CU Records has selected the 10 bands that will compete on Friday, April 15th to be the opening band at Bacchanal. A panel of 3 outside judges and an audience vote will determine the winner of the Battle of the Bands. Check out the bands’ websites to whet your palette: Simon Herzog […]

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Kanye West, Ghostface Killah, Of Montreal, Outkast, [Your Name Here]! Don’t miss your chance to fulfill your fantasies by opening for Bacchanal’s headliner. Today is the last day for Columbia musicians to enter the CU Records Battle 4 Bacchanal. Selected bands will compete on April 15th, and the winner of the competition will open for Bacchanal’s main […]

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