Location: 411 W. 116th Street.
- Nearby dorms: East Campus
- Stores and restaurants: HamDel, food cart
- $6,718. (Same as McBain, Schapiro and Broadway)
- Noteworthy: You get a sink in your room.
- Bathrooms: Amazing! Normal floor bathrooms.
- AC/Heating: No A/C. Pleeeenty of heat. Heaters also make a lot of noise.
- Kitchen/Lounge: Lounges on 5, 7, and 9 with a flat-screen, chairs and couches. The only big kitchen is downstairs, so cooking isn’t really an option.
- Laundry: Big laundry room near the kitchen. Nothing fancy.
- Computers/Printers: Computers and printers next to the laundry on the lobby mezzanine.
- Gym: Nope.
- Intra-transportation: Two elevators and a central stairwell.
- Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi and ethernet.
- Hardwood/Carpet: Hardwood or linoleum.
- Singles: Tons of John Jay-esque singles. Maybe a little bigger. Around 118 sq. ft.
- Doubles: A variety of single room and walk-through doubles. Pretty random sizes. Some are big! Averaging around 150 sq. ft. for each room.
- The singles go to sophomores.
- The big walk-through doubles go to the top half of sophomores, and all else go to the dregs of the housing lottery.
Bwog recommendation:
- Wien has a bad rap, but it seems to have turned around after renovations. Read a classy defense of this much-maligned dorm!
- The singles are a good option for rising sophomores and juniors who don’t want to go to Schapiro.
- The doubles are hit or miss. If you can score a good one, nab it. But as a rising sophomore, you probably won’t have a better choice..
Resident opinions:
- “I dont know why people talk shit about the sink it is the best! I was skeptical. But its the most convenient thing, at this point I am pretty sure I am dependent. And no critters.”
- “The bathrooms are super nice! Seriously! Come check them out! Some fake marble business going on and little shower vestibules. Also a view of Harlem/central park from the toilet. I can watch planes land at JFK from the comfort of the last stall.”
- “The toilets by the window on the higher floors have amazing views over the East Side and right into Prezbo’s backyard. it’s a little like being the Shitting Queen of Sheba!”
- “The sink in the room thing cannot be stressed enough. it’s not gross and it’s amazingly useful-the mirror over the sink is actually a vanity, and the mirror slides open so you can access all your makeup/toiletries while still being able to use the mirror. technology.”
- “The kitchen thing is really the only drawback. But my roommate and I were bequeathed a hotplate from an ex-wiener, and we invested in a toaster oven, and we can pretty much do everything.”
- “Thin walls and more importantly thin doors-noise from your neighbor isn’t as much of a problem as noise from the hall.”
- aww, it almost looks pretty from the outside
@Anonymous “The singles go to sophomores.” Don’t know when this was written but this is certainly not the case now!
@Anonymous Protip – even numbered rooms on the highest floors have some of the best views on campus.
@Anonymous who’s the orthodox christian?
@Forget the pink sheets We need safe spaces for Christians on this campus.
@that room is both!
@Thumbs up to the sentiment, not to the “forget the pink sheets.”
@Anonymous homies forever
@Anonymous i got a blowjob in that room
@Anonymous not gonna lie, my wien sink has become one of the most convenient things ever for me this semester. i have a little water boiling thing, so i can cook anything i’d ever want to (aka instant noodles).
@Anonymous The planes are most certainly landing at LGA unless that resident has super vision of some sort.
@John Sink… or toilet?
@Duchamp Toilet… or art?
@hmm 2 Walk-through doubles in Wien or 2 doubles in Nussbaum? Very good lottery number. Help, please? :) Thx
@definitely get the walk-through in wien. i had one sophomore year and it’s great, you get to live with a friend but still have your space (if that’s a priority to you, which it certainly was to me)
@Anonymous you should go visit the walk through doubles in nussbaum. one of the rooms is ridiculously tiny (the two desks barely fit), so it ends up being a cramped shared bedroom with a weird shared work room…
@2 wien walkthroughs definitely go for the 2 wien walkthroughs! that’s exactly what i had this year and it’s surprisingly great. just try to get the big ones or adjacent ones. 2 adjacent walk through doubles basically equals a 4 person suite of singles
@Anonymous just wanna say that the wien singles are nearly impossible for sophomores – they were all gone by 100-200 last year, i dont know where that cutoff number came from
@There aren't lounges on all the floors. 5, 7, and 9 only. Get on your shit bwog.
@Alex Thanks! My bad.
@Anonymous Are there any pictures of the main-kitchen and/or floor bathrooms?