Yesterday afternoon, a small green bird infiltrated the 11th floor of Wien and try to update his/her Twitter status on an unsuspecting upperclassmen’s Macbook Pro. This is only the latest in a series of animal incursions into our purportedly urban habitat. You may recall last year’s bats in Hartley and squirrels in Claremont. Maybe they are trying to tell us something?
- I hate pigeons but bird rehabilitation sounds like the right thing to do
@Anonymous It looks like a yellow warbler.
@Anonymous I think they are jealous of Hawkma
@Anonymous It’s so cute! What kind of bird is it?
@haven't you heard? the bird is the word
@I don't see a bird Only chicken heads.
@bird? ...what bird? there's a bird? *furiously masturbates to sexy college girls in picture*
@Anonymous the only thing allowed to masturbate to a picture of a bird is another bird