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Posts Tagged with "birds"

As winter settles in and cold nips at the city-dwellers’ extremities, their coats come out in force. But little do they know they are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of temperature but of migration patterns and molting. Welcome to: the Twilumbia Zone.

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Happening in the World: Prime Minister Theresa May won the support of the U.K. Cabinet yesterday to move forward with her plans to implement Britain’s exit from the European Union. She now must gain Parliament’s approval, where she has less political support. (NY Times) Happening in the US: The judge in CNN’s lawsuit against the […]

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Today is Food Day (yeah, we were counting down on our calendars too) and this means there’s a plethora of goodness waiting for you! Stop by John Jay Lounge for an an assortment of foods: kale cheese chips, some cheese platter with a little bird (they’re everywhere) crafted from apple slices, and various other healthy […]

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Yesterday afternoon, a small green bird infiltrated the 11th floor of Wien and try to update his/her Twitter status on an unsuspecting upperclassmen’s Macbook Pro. This is only the latest in a series of animal incursions into our purportedly urban habitat. You may recall last year’s bats in Hartley and squirrels in Claremont. Maybe they are trying to […]

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Unexpected acts: On Thursday night, NYU held a “mystery concert” (featuring Flying Lotus, Gang Gang Dance, and Light Asylum) which got rave reviews. At Columbia, we still have to plan our concerts months in advance. (NYULocal) Unexpected calendars: Forget firemen. Now you can check out hot New York City bus drivers and semi-famous Republican women. (NYDN, […]

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Congress avoids a full government shutdown and passes a last-minute budget deal that plans to cut $38 million from federal spending. While Planned Parenthood and other groups that provide abortions should go relatively unharmed, President Obama admits that “some of the cuts accepted by Democrats ‘will be painful.'” (NYT) Columbia superstar professor of mathematics and […]

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Horrified by the Swan Wars of Prospect Park Lake, Brooklynites man the front lines. (City Room) Apple receives patent for some pretty horrific-looking TV glasses. (Gawker) No online reports means no repairs to your housing. Yeah, shocker, we all rely on the internet.  (Spec) A horribly low turnout marked yesterday’s run-off elections. DeBlasio and Liu […]

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Early Birding

Before her official classes begin, Hawkmadinebwog editor Courtney Douds spends the morning with an informal assembly of birders in Central Park. Every Tuesday morning in September and October this year Richard Lieberman will lead birders through the Ramble of Central Park for the Linnaean Society of New York in search of warblers, raptors, waders, thrushes, and the many […]

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Bwog tipster Tipper Austin, CC ’11, alerted us of the presence of a Bird Relocation Expert on campus.  Worried that Our Hero may be in danger, we scurried out to College Walk and saw this van.  

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Hawkmadinejad, Winged Hero of Morningside, appears to have returned to campus. O, glorious return! Your bird has been spotted outside of Hamilton (correction: where he promptly devoured a pigeon), Butler (where he promptly devoured a pigeon) and Riverside and 109th. More photos of his fearfulness and sublimity below! Saakashtweety, prepare thyself.  Photo by Lauren Weiss

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Pigeon in Butler!

Bwog just received the following Shocking Report from Lecture Hop editor Pierce Stanley, who’s currently staked out in Butler: “There is a pigeon in the reference room right now, flying around trying to get out and walking alongside the books on the walls. Everyone is sort of watching and laughing.” Quickly! What should we name […]

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Right this minute, on the lawn in front of John Jay, the hawk that’s been spotted near Lewisohn and the LLC is lunching on a pigeon.  It swooped down and snatched it in dramatic fashion.  Onlookers, please send in your photos and stories.  Bored studiers, please suggest names for our hawk.  Apparently, they’re territorial, so […]

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Happy Chanukah!

Tonight marks the first night of Chanukah. We have the Maccabees and their defeat of Seleucid Empire to thank for 8 nights of presents, gelt and latkes beginning in 25 minutes. (And our friends in states with agriculture-based economies to thank for sunset at 4:28pm tonight.) Chabad house is celebrating by lighting an outlandishly-sized menorah […]

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Whether you’ve noticed or not (and whether you like them or not), there have been several pigeon nests on campus recently, baby pigeons included. Julia Kite gives the scoop on this campus bird trend — and includes cute pictures! It’s understandable if you’ve never seen a baby pigeon. Formally known as “rock doves,” parents build […]

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New President!

What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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We’re Reviving AskBwog
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I love this guys! You all are doing great work (not that I’m surprised) and it’s been so wonderful to (read more)
We’re Reviving AskBwog
October 22, 2024
Can you take me to Ohio next time? 🫡 (read more)
My First Two Months Here As A Columb(ian)/(us Ohioan)
October 21, 2024

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