Bwog literally runs on the human spirit. If you have lots of human spirit that you’d like to earmark for Bwog’s consumption, you should be a Daily Editor.
Dailies get to ask people probing questions, get into events for free, have their words on the Internet, and consume lots of Westside cookies at meetings!*
If this appeals to you, type up a response to the form below and send it to You don’t need to include a headshot, but are welcome to if you’re into that sort of thing. Apply by 11:59 pm tonight! Yes, it’s finals. You’re on Bwog, aren’t you?
Regarding Bwog:
- You are totally crushing on Bwog! Pour your love in a letter.
- Briefly explain one Bwog post you liked and one you didn’t.
- What’s your favorite Bwog tag?
- Draw Bwog, channeling all of the artistic license and passion of Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic.
Regarding Yourself:
- You’re on a first date with Bwog! What movie are you taking us to see? What snacks will we share?
- Dream up a Bwog post of your choice. A mock free food alert, feature idea—anything you like. Include a captioned picture.
- What are some areas of Columbia life you’re interested in writing about (student government, city, arts, PrezBo’s Twitter, sports, food, food trucks, Butler, public bathrooms, et cetera…)?
- Anything else you want to tell us about yourself?
- Being a Daily Editor is a BFD! You need to prepare posts the night before, constantly be available on your day to investigate, interview, take pictures, gChat, and generally make sure things run smoothly. Which day(s) of the week would you be able to commit to Bwog, in addition to our Sunday meeting?
Too much work? We’d love to have you as a contributor to pitch story ideas and cover events. Keep an eye out for our Official First Meeting Announcement at the start of next semester!
*There is also some reporting, writing, and editing involved…
Not actually affiliated with Bwog via Wikimedia
@I will not rest until this comment is boxed, Bwog!
@Claire If only things were that simple.