This morning, senior economics majors had their last chance to sign up for required seminars. The department necessitates students to be there in person for a 9 am first-come, first-served sign up, and thus the annual IAB slumber party ensued. Bleary-eyed campers appeared at ungodly hours, trying to figure out how they would survive work life after years of 4:10-6 lectures and wondering if it was really worth it…
“I didn’t even wake up this early to get a Wii.”
@CC-Alum Fall 2010 Econ line started about 20 hours before the door opened. Most of those people were lining up for Gulati’s class. Prof. Elms kicked them all out at 11PM promising them that they would all get their seminars. First people started waiting at around 3AM again.
@Anonymous Supposedly the first person in line arrived at 11:00 am yesterday. I got there at 5:15 and there were already about 35-40 people there.
@anonymous Just out of curiosity, when did people start showing up to wait?
@lolz that’s lovely panda chin cushion.