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Posts Tagged with "light as a feather stiff as gulati’s pressed suits"

The semi-annual economics slumber party happened last night on the 10th floor if the IAB.  However, the competitive nature of these students emerged and things took a turn from last semester’s jolly gathering.  Instead of engaging in traditional games, sleepers fought to see who could most aggressively ignore everyone else in the hallway.  Tactics included […]

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Last night the economics department held their semi-annual departmental slumber party.  Party-goers celebrated with a screening of Heathers, a sighting of Bloody Mary in the 10th floor IAB bathroom, and a particularly risque game of Truth or Dare.  Xavier’s hand was stuck in a cup of water (allegedly by formerly trustworthy TA Carlos), Jeff Sachs snuck […]

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On opening night of the 118: Varsity Show, Bwog spotted Sunil Gulati and his wife in the audience.  After hearing some of the, ahem, references to the man in the course of the show, we had to hear what he thought. Bwog: Do you have a reaction to the show – and in particular, your portrayal […]

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This morning, senior economics majors had their last chance to sign up for required seminars.  The department necessitates students to be there in person for a 9 am first-come, first-served sign up, and thus the annual IAB slumber party ensued.  Bleary-eyed campers appeared at ungodly hours, trying to figure out how they would survive work […]

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