We’ll answer your esoteric housing questions. Send them to housing@bwog.com or drop them in the comments.
Q: As a senior BC student I’m getting pulled in to a quad by other senior CU students. Is there a form my CU friends have to submit letting CC housing know that a BC student is getting pulled in? As a BC student is there notification that I have to turn in to either housing office?
A: Surprisingly, at a school that has a form for vending malfunctions, there aren’t any special forms. The Columbia Housing website reads, “Barnard students may participate in Columbia Room Selection only as a member of a group during Suite Selection. She must be present during Suite Selection.” Joyce Jackson, Executive Director of Housing, adds that, “All of the Barnard students will be in the database and should be able to log in with their ‘uni’ and password beginning on Wednesday, February 29th.” You’ll just need to log in with your UNI and check boxes.
What you have to keep in mind is the BC@CU cap, which is “equal to the number of CC/SEAS students who sign up for Barnard housing during Barnard’s Group Selection and the eligible Barnard students assigned to a sorority.” You’re a senior, so you’ll probably be OK. Nevertheless, make sure to register for Barnard Room Selection just in case. Last year they hit the cap uncomfortably early. You don’t want to be left out in the cold.
@annie aversa, barnard res life You get a BIG gold star for planning your summer storage early! Both BC and Cu do NOT offer summer storage on campus. Here is a link to the CU web page: http://housingservices.columbia.edu/content/storage. Barnard’s info can be found here: https://barnard.edu/reslife/move-out. It is important to note that for anyone living in a Barnard residence hall, you CANNOT contract with a company who comes to your room without you being present to retrieve your items – the resident MUST be available to sign the movers into their residence hall. Barnard res life is happy to answer any specific questions at 212-854-5561 or at housing@barnard.edu.
@Anonymous what are the best options for summer storage? Is now the time to be figuring that out too?
@Anonymous how does regroup work if you’re with 3 CC ladies and 1 BC lady? anything different?
@Conor I mean, it depends what you want to do. Senior regroup is sort of a free-for-all, where people wildly wheel and deal to cobble together a suite. Your Barnard friend can stick around with you, as she is registered in Suite Selection, so long as the Barnard cap hasn’t been reached. Of course, there is the issue of whether there will still be a four-person suite to be found, which there may not be. Friendships have been ruined in Regroup.