Watt: an unfulfilling place for a glass this morning.

Update, 12:22 pm: The drought has ended! Water is back on, twenty-three minutes ahead of schedule.

If you’ve spotted flocks of robed Columbians bee-lining for McBain, it may not be what you think it is. According to our resident Watters, there is “absolutely no water in Watt.” And Housing estimates that there won’t be until 1 pm. Baby wipes, folks. Baby wipes.

UPDATE: Bwog talked to the super-friendly guy who cleans the bathrooms in Watt, and he said that there was a plumbing failure in a first floor room early this morning. That’s a better explanation than Housing’s terse defense of, “What?! You didn’t read the signs!”

You mean the signs that went up while everyone was sleeping? Thanks, Housing. Good morning to you too.


Unquestionably empty via Wikimedia Commons