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Posts Tagged with "watt"

Are you looking for an apartment-style dorm that’s close to campus and doesn’t give freshman vibes? Consider Watt!

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Juniors and seniors who want their own space, this one’s for you: Watt offers beautiful apartment-style studio singles, studio doubles, and one- or two-bedroom apartments. And all in a prime location!

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You might be surprised to know Watt exists–that’s what makes it so special! Our housing review series continues with a look at this less-mainstream option. Location: 549 W. 113th Street (between Amsterdam and Broadway) Nearby Dorms: Across the street form Symposium and McBain Restaurants and Stores: You’re in the heart of Columbia University so reap in […]

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We have come to our last day of housing reviews, and today, we’re covering two dorms for you. First up–Watt! Good luck with housing selection, and remember, there’s always McBain! Location: 549 West 113th Street Nearby dorms: Across the street from Symposium and McBain. Around the block from Broadway and Hogan. Stores and restaurants: All the […]

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Housing approacheth. And, unless you’re on top of it, it’s probably coming up sooner than you think. Before you start knocking on random doors and demanding to know how many tennis balls could fit into the room if the room is haunted what they’ve named their mouse and what its living habits are the room’s […]

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Spotted in the Watt lobby: “Nothing is permanent in this world — not even our troubles” – Charlie Chaplin “I knew you were trouble when you walked in” – Taylor Swift IMG_6181 from Bwog on Vimeo.

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Location: 549 W. 113th Street Nearby dorms: Across the street from Symposium and McBain. Around the block from Broadway and Hogan. Stores and restaurants: All the same locations as McBain and Nussbaum—you’ve got the best of Broadway at your disposal. Milano, Nussbaum & Wu, and International are all a 30-second walk. And they’re all it […]

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Waterless in Watt

Update, 12:22 pm: The drought has ended! Water is back on, twenty-three minutes ahead of schedule. If you’ve spotted flocks of robed Columbians bee-lining for McBain, it may not be what you think it is. According to our resident Watters, there is “absolutely no water in Watt.” And Housing estimates that there won’t be until […]

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The Core, it has been said, is good for cocktail party chatter and not much else. You’ll be able to schmooze with people about Woolfe and iambic pentameter, yadda yadda. This post supplements the rather specific knowledge Columbia bestows on you (hey, no snark alert: we kind of love the Core) with some genuinely useless […]

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Bwog’s Dorm Decor Correspondent Carolyn Ruvkun presents you with another RoomHop! If you believe your room should be Hopped, please email with pictorial evidence. Flea market fiend Laura Sperber, CC’11, describes the Watt double she shares with Zoe Lubitz as “kitschy and cozy.” With quirky, curios and whimsical trinkets crowding every tabletop, their eclectic room […]

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