If a picture says a thousand words, how many words does a moving picture say? And if that doesn’t interest you, meet 1/2 of the reason Bwog is still running. Tonight’s personals: Alex Chang and Sam Aarons. Full disclosure: the personal for Sam, half of Bwog’s tech team, was secretly written and submitted by the other half of Bwog’s tech team. Oops! As always, inform personals@bwog.com of your freshly sparked passion.
- Alex Chang
- Sam Aarons
Name, Year, School, Major: Alex “Peaches” Chang, 2015, CC, Economics and Political Science majors
Preference: Guy for Girl, but what really is a “guy” or a “girl,” you know?
Hometown: Paramus, New Jersey
Your dream date in seven words or fewer: Muthafuckin’ Ladurée Macarons within Central Park picnic
What redeems you as a human being? I cried at the end of Toy Story 3… so what? Also, I’m showing you all this.
Obsessive book series of choice: This was a hard one, but I’m gonna have to go with 50 Shades of Gray (is that still a topical joke?), but seriously, the Curious George books were my childhood, and I get super nostalgic when I flip through the pages of my full collection back home.
Library room of choice: Ref room. Dem high ceilings. (another gif)
What you think the sexiest animal is: The penguin is pretty sexy. Not like Adriana Lima sexy, but like Anna Kendrick sexy. It’s kinda awkward, but in a way that’s totally relatable. That’s kinda sexy if you ask me.
Guilty pleasure song: I actually really like that Rihanna song, Diamonds. That and Maroon 5 (Adam Levine makes me feel uncomfortable sexually).
Do you watch “Girls” ironically or unironically? As of August, I am unsubscribed to HBO (How will I watch the next season of The Newsroom now?), but you know, whatever. I’m above tv now, I only watch German Expressionist films and myself in the mirror.
Historical hottie: I would sail full mast to fight for Helen.
Name, Year, School, major: Sam Aarons, SEAS ’14, Computer Science
Preference: Guy for Girl
Hometown: Salinas, CA (fun fact: Of Mice and Men was based on my life story)
Dream Date: Printing. ALL. NIGHT. LONG.
What redeems you as a human being? You may or may not know that I own all your data . I haven’t used it for nefarious purposes (yet).
Obsessive book series of choice: The Peter Singer Anthology
Library room of choice: I own servers in 3 different countries, what’s a library?
What you think the sexiest animal is: Bacon Cheeseburger
Guilty pleasure song: Together Forever – Rick Astley
Do you watch Girls ironically or unironically? Actually there’s this fantastic anime named Ghost in the Shell that everyone should watch.
Historical Hottie: Richard Dean Anderson
@Anonymous Kinda looks like Sam is already taken/madly in love.
@wait why don’t the personals just date each other?
@Anonymous SAM FOR SAM http://bwog.com/2013/02/16/personals-sam-schipani-cc15-and-matt-martinez-cc13/#comment-949046
@Anon SAM AND SAM http://bwog.com/2013/02/16/personals-sam-schipani-cc15-and-matt-martinez-cc13/
@Anonymous Stargate Richard Dean Anderson or MacGuyver Richard Dean Anderson?
@Anonymous FUN FACT: Alex also cried during the state of the union……. (#twitter stalker)
@Peaches You know what? It was an emotional part… also, follow me @thechangbang
But seriously Bwog, bring on the gays.
@Hanna Banana Alex Chang,
I think youre in my american politics class, youre a cutie ;)
@Peaches awks… I totally fall asleep in that class all the time…
@Anonymous pretty sure you fall asleep in like all your classes lolol
@Peaches http://i.imgur.com/3lFHq.gif
I have these for days…
@Hanna Banana @Peaches:
I’d totally make a move but I dont wanna be a cougar.
@Pam Poovey splooooooooooosh.
@Anonymous this post was worth reading for the kittens alone, but while I’m here- Bwog tech can we have our original blueBwog back? like pwetty please with a bacon cheeseburger on top?
@dead horse will u b my valentine?
@thepoet >interviewing all these beta manlettes and not interviewing me
@JJ11 4 lyfe on southernplayalistic intro listen close 2 peaches
@Peaches Even though my original rap name is tity man, I think I’ma have to change it to 2Peachez
@The Dark Hand Sam I thought we were meant to be after you stalked me to Photonics…
@hold up peaches is straight!?
@Peaches I lol’d.
@Anonymous oppan gangnam sattiyal!
@Dan They say that Sam is kind of a big deal.
@BCA all da way Bergen County yeah!
@Alfred Get back in the back room.
@AAST 2009 @BCA all da way: Yay Academies alumni! <3
@Alexandra Sup y’all – ABF’10!
@ABF '12 woooo ABF
@Hey Alex I want to go see Julius Caesar on 4/19. Does that work for you?
@Alexandra Anything for my girl Natalie
@Anonymous Peaches is the homie….
@Stargate Enthusiast Sam, I’d let you open my stargate ;)
@Anonymous These are two of the best people. Actually.