For our first personals of the season, we proudly present J.B, CC’13, and Victoria, BC’14. Interested in wining and dining one of these young academics? Get in touch with us via and we’ll give y’all $10 for your hot date. And a final warning: these guys are being braver than you with their hearts, so show some love in the comments.
- J..B. Richardson
- Victoria D.O.
Name, Year, School, Major: J.B. Richardson, 2013, Columbia College, Anthropology
Preference: Guy for Girl
Hometown: Gary, Indiana
Your dream date in seven words or fewer: Bloody steak and pinball.
What redeems you as a human being? Humanism is overrated.
Obsessive book series of choice: Animorphs
Library room of choice: Kent
What you think the sexiest animal is: Dolphin
Your guilty pleasure song: “Joppa Road” by Ween
Do you watch “Girls” ironically or unironically? I don’t watch “Girls.”
Historical Hottie: Abigail Adams
Name, Year, School, Major: Victoria D. O., Barnard College 2014, Economics
Preference: Girl for guy/friend/study buddy
Hometown: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Your dream date in seven words or fewer: Vamos a la playa. Me gusta bailar.
What redeems you as a human being? There are a lot of things that redeem me as a human being. One of them is that I don’t share inappropriate stories online ;)
Obsessive book series of choice: Clifford
Library room of choice: Wait, there’s more than 209?
Sexiest animal: Columbia Lion – rawr!
Your guilty pleasure song: Ai se eu te pego – it never gets old
Do you watch “Girls” ironically or unironically? I like irony. Can’t say the same about “Girls”.
Historical Hottie: Adam Smith. Ricardo’s got nothing on you.
@Anonymous Hey Bwog,
I’d like to go on a date with Victoria, set us up please.
@Alexandra Send an email to!
@Wait, Guys It’s a picture of Babe Ruth with an umbrella…
obsessive book of choice is… Animorphs?????
This is the weirdest personal I think I’ve ever read
@confused are you saying Girls doesn’t like irony?
@yay!! I’ve never met anyone else here from Indiana before!!
@Freddie Gibbs Gary, Indiana is some hood shit… That’s Gibbs shit
@Baby Face Killa @Freddie Gibbs: Yeeeh #BFK
@Millie the Dancing Bear @Victoria
@Music Man Gary, Indiana!
What a wonderful name,
Named for Elbert Gary of judiciary fame.
Gary, Indiana, as a Shakespeare would say,
Trips along softly on the tongue this way–
Gary, Indiana, Gary Indiana, Gary, Indiana,
Let me say it once again.
Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana,
That’s the town that “knew me when.”
If you’d like to have a logical explanation
How I happened on this elegant syncopation,
I will say without a moment of hesitation
There is just one place
That can light my face.
Gary, Indiana,
Gary Indiana,
Not Louisiana, Paris, France, New York, or Rome, but–
Gary, Indiana,
Gary, Indiana,
Gary Indiana,
My home sweet home.
@Anonymous I thought the same thing, but I kept it to myself.
@as a wise man once said “Gary, Indiana is the armpit of the United States of America.”
@um... I’m pretty sure that’s New Jersey
@Anonymous Gary, Indiana might be the shittiest town in the U.S.
@blode turned ginger's fart Can you?
@blonde turned ginger's flat can you please?
@blonde turned ginger's flatmate can you please format?
@blonde turned ginger can you please format this?
@Anonymous can you please format this better?
@Anonymous can you please format this a little better?
@Anonymous good luck j.b., but the personals ship has sailed for second-semester seniors.for
@Anonymous noooooo i’m in love with a senior. YOUR SHIPS HAVE NOT SAILED. CONSIDER YOUR OPTIONS, SENIORS. LIKE MAYBE that sophomore girl you sit next to sometimes. for example.
@blonde turned ginger i agree. junior girl here. currently in love with a senior guy i met 2 years (!!!) ago but never really hung out with much and didn’t go on a date with until this semester. he’s graduating in 3 months buuuuuuuuuuuut WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CAAAAAAAAAREEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!! I’m praying that his grad school options puts him in a NYC school but even if he doesn’t and/or ends up going to Univ. Chicago instead, he said he would be fine with long distance and would be interested in trying to make it work (I LOVE YOU!!!)
@Anonymous When you turned ginger did you lose your soul?
@dqueefy just a few iq points it seems
@Second Semester Senior This comment is more depressing than my job prospects.
@Lonely GIRLS bro.... I was totally gonna ask out Victoria. But then I saw she doesn’t like GIRLS.