
Are you ready for another pre-frosh profile? Bwog certainly is. Today, we interviewed Eleanor, one of the two people behind the unofficial Class of 2018 Facebook group.

Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana

School: Barnard

Prospective Major: Somewhere in the political science/econ realm, so probably political economics.

Prospective Dorm: I have heard Sulz is the only Barnard freshperson (working on being more PC) dorm with AC, so hopefully that is where I end up. People think that because I am from New Orleans I can handle heat, but honestly, I don’t leave the house during summer. I have been in NYC in September, and it is not pleasant. Seriously Barnard, we are living in the 21st century; invest in some AC.

How long do you think it’ll take to lose your…

…dignity? To be honest, probably during NS(L)OP. I can already see an unfortunate incident that involves me, a table, and a microphone. If not then, I will most likely fall down the Ferris stairs. I am not the most graceful person, and I am from New Orleans (interpret that as you wish). Now that I am thinking about it, I don’t think I have much dignity left. *flashback to dancing to Rihanna in the kitchen in my underwear only to have the yard workers staring at me from the back window.*

…moral compass? This is actually something I do not want to lose. My beliefs and convictions are something I pride myself in.

…sanity? I lost that a while ago. I am an only child, so I have had to keep myself occupied for the last 18 years—be it producing one-woman shows to put on for my stuffed animals or writing songs about my dogs. But knowing that I am a bit kooky allows me to keep a good head on my shoulders.

Why Barnard?

Wow Bwog, I thought I was done with questions like this after I turned in my apps. But in all seriousness, about two weeks before the early decision deadline, I went up to visit my friend who is a sophomore at BC and fell in love. I always knew I wanted to be in a big city (originally London), and New York seemed like the perfect place. It is a cultural Mecca, not unlike home, which really drew me to it. I also loved the intimacy of Barnard and the community that it fosters. Barnard felt like a happy place and a place that prides itself in intellectual achievement and community. I didn’t get that feeling when I visited other schools.

You started an unofficial Facebook group for the Class of 2018. Why? (Is there anything wrong with the admissions one?)

I thought it was kind of pointless that the Barnard and CC/SEAS groups were separate. We are going to be across the street from each other for the next four years, and another Barnard girl and I thought it would be good to start the group. It is an easy way for Barnard girls to meet other students and allows for students to cross the divide well before NSOP. Now some of you may be wondering, “wait, what about GS?” I had every intention of changing the name to include GS students, but sadly Facebook does not allow a group to change its name when it has over 500 people. That being said, GS students are welcome! Side note, last night there was a breach in the group run by admissions, where a denied student started spamming all over the group. That has not happened in ours. Ergo, the four admins of our group are more put together than Hamilton Hall. Also, as a classmate of ours pointed out, you can’t say “anus” on the admissions page.

What are you doing with the rest of your senior year?

I am trying to get to truly know my city. My goal is to go to one concert or play and try a new restaurant every week. I live in one of the most interesting cities in the world, which has a great music and food scene, and I feel like I have not taken advantage of it. So, for the last few months I have here, I will be indulging in all the pleasures my city has to offer. My dad has also been teaching me how to make a new cocktail every week. Some of my favourites to make are the traditional New Orleans Sazerac and the classic Old-Fashioned. I also make a killer mojito and vodka limeade, so if anyone needs a bartender next year, hmu.