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Posts Tagged with "class of 2018"

It is that time of the year again, people. Graduation is approaching, and you know what that means; the class of 2018 will leave us behind to go do things in the world. Before they graduate, though, we need them to impart their seniorly wisdoms on us. If you have anyone who you think is […]

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Elections for CC and SEAS first-year class councils, CCSC Inclusion and Equity Representative, and CCSC Class of 2018 Representative took place earlier this week, and the winners have been announced. See the official fall 2015 election results in handy PDF form below. Congratulations to the winners! 2019 CCSC President & Vice President Josh Schenk and […]

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What kind of tomfoolery are those silly frosh up to now? One of Bwog’s sly sleuths details a person’s attempts at establishing himself as a rising Freshman on Facebook…or should we say Fakebook? Remember the Columbia impostors from the last few years? Remember all the stupid things pre-frosh posted in the Class of 2018 group? Bwog recently found out that these […]

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As if she weren’t already cool enough, DSpar took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge at Barnard’s Convocation for the Class of 2018. Watch below, or on Instagram. Image via Hannah Vega

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While we’ve all been busy studying for finals, the Class of 2018 has been spending their senior year of high school writing more stupid things and posting them to Facebook. We promised we’d look for more after regular decision results came out, so here they are. Bwog delivers. Heh, whoops. Nope, none of us have […]

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You probably thought the admissions cycle was over for the year with the release of decisions way back in March. But students have until May 1 to deposit meaning that high school seniors languishing on the waitlist still don’t know whether they will be a part of the class of 2018. Bwog staff writer Britt […]

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Remember when Bwog did pre-frosh profiles for next year’s incoming freshmen? Well, they’re back, because we learned about more cool pre-frosh. This time, we interviewed Kosta about his dance experience and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon-inspired attire. Hometown: Plovdiv, Bulgaria School: CC Prospective Major: Medicine, Literature, and Society / Dance Prospective Dorm: Carman How long do you […]

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Remember the glory days of your youth? Neither do we. To jog your memory, we interviewed Anna, another fresh-faced pre-frosh in the first flush of her flowering. Hometown: Missoula, Montana School: Barnard Prospective Major: I honestly have no idea and my answer to this question could probably change every month, but right now the urban […]

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Are you ready for another pre-frosh profile? Bwog certainly is. Today, we interviewed Eleanor, one of the two people behind the unofficial Class of 2018 Facebook group. Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana School: Barnard Prospective Major: Somewhere in the political science/econ realm, so probably political economics. Prospective Dorm: I have heard Sulz is the only Barnard […]

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And thus we continue with our pre-frosh profiles. Just think—they’ll even be making a special appearance on campus soon! Try to hide your Bacchanal hangover. Hometown: Austin, Texas School: CC Prospective Major: Environmental Science, but open to change Prospective Dorm: Carman Why Columbia? I chose Columbia because I felt that compared to other Ivy Leagues […]

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RD letters went out last week, so Bwog’s bringing back pre-frosh profiles! We hope their idealism and excitement will make you feel less bad about the second round of midterms coming next week. We really can’t wait for them to arrive on campus in August (or April). Our first interview is with Sarah from Colombia. […]

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Today at 3 pm, officers from Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid gathered on College Walk to send Class of 2018 Regular Decision letters. This year, a total of 32,967 students applied—the third largest pool in Columbia’s history, though 1.5 percent fewer than last year’s. About 10 percent of them (3,298 students) applied early. Columbia admitted 2,291 applicants to CC and SEAS this […]

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If you thought Bwog scared the incoming first-years away from posting on their class Facebook page, you thought wrong. We thought we were done poking fun at them, but then the prefrosh surprised us with a whole new round of Facebook gems. Okay okay, we’re done until RD decisions. They thought they could keep us […]

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Bwog just received this statement from Jessica Marinaccio, CU’s Dean of Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid (emphasis is Bwog’s): We have received 32,952 applications to Columbia College and The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science for the Class of 2018, which is the third largest applicant pool in Columbia’s history. We are grateful […]

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Were we ever this embarrassing? Yeah, okay, maybe. Still, it’s our turn to laugh now. Here are the worst of the Class of 2018 early decision Facebook intro posts. Read ’em and weep, folks. Prefrosh: We don’t really hate you. And actually, the class before you accidentally uploaded a ton of their admissions essays to […]

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