Bwog is struggling to wake up without a 9 AM final as motivation, so here’s some good news and tips for the day to get you out of bed and help you truly have a good morning.

Bwogline: Elizabeth Warren is leading a coalition of senators demanding the Department of Health and Human Services to lift the ban on men who have had sex with other men from donating blood. About damn time. (Mother Jones)

Study Tip: Call mom/dad/any emotional support figure in your life. While your roommate may be sick of hearing how over you are studying for your next final, these people thrive on you relying on them for emotional support. Think about it: your mom is just sitting by the phone, waiting for you to call in desperation for her love and care while miles away at school. Plus, talking is a cathartic exercise, and it gives you another half hour to not study/watch another episode of Gilmore Girls. What a beautiful way to start your day.

Procrastinate: Where the fuck is the cow?!