First we say grace, then we interrogate you, then - and only then - can you eat your turkey.

First we say grace, then we interrogate you, then – and only then – can you eat your turkey.

Here at Bwog, we support each other no matter what. And now that the Holiday season is upon us, support is more important than ever. You’re probably wondering… Support? What kind of support will I need? It’s Thanksgiving, after all. I can’t wait to go home, eat some turkey/tofurky (we at Bwog respect all lifestyle choices), and see my family and friends.

But you’re forgetting something. In the upcoming week, you need to prepare yourself to answer a series of inane questions relating to your love life, study habits, and life goals.

  • Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend yet?
  • What are you majoring in?
  • How are your grades?
  • Have you been getting enough sleep? (Bonus: they decide to throw in an extra comment about how your appearance indicates that you have not been getting said sleep)
  • How’s the job/internship search going so far?
  • Have you heard what *insert name of wildly-successful-relative-your-age’s name here* has been doing lately?

But don’t worry. Bwog is here to help. For answers to these (and many more), come to Lerner 505 tonight at 7pm! We’ll have snacks, jokes, and lots of advice on dealing with those pesky relatives and avoiding their abundance of inquiries. If all else fails, remember: stuffing your face with turkey is always an option. And if even that fails, take a cue from last night’s SNL skit:

Pray the fakes get exposed via Shutterstock