There's something you meant to do, right? Oh, yeah, course evals!

There’s something you meant to do, right? Oh, yeah, course evals!

Hey guys, we know that finals are among us and if you’re not passed out, in a booth at 1020, trying to study, or doing some mixture of the three, you should fill out your course evaluations. While the evals will appear “anonymous” to your professors, they can still read what you write. So don’t go too far. Or, if you’re really frustrated—looking at you, Mowsh bio kids—use this as a platform for expressing your discontent. Just remember, constructive criticism is best!

Your professors want to teach better and grow as academics, for the most part. It’s sorta their job, after all. So fill out those course evals! You won’t regret it.

Pondering whether to curse at your prof via martinak15 / CC-BY-2.0