The first day of finals are tomorrow, which means we have a gift for you tonight. It’s not a Sweetgreen discount code, nor is it our roommate’s adderall. Instead we give you this semester’s Orgo Night script (even better than the Orgo exam answer key). Laugh, share with friends, and don’t forget to be offended. Enjoy!
@sorry but that syrian child joke is horrifying beyond belief; maybe think about who you are laughing at. Are drowning refugees FUNNY?
@Anon Saw it in the script but don’t think they actually said it during Orgo Night.
@Anonymous Better to not mention it and let people avoid the awkward fact that we’re letting that nightmare happen.
@Damn Just reading this had me laughing my ass off! Now I feel bad that I missed this
@I wonder If an apology is in order from all the students who tried to dismantle this event which was not in fact racist.
@CC 16 Well done to the band! Best script in a while. And fuck the people who cyberbullied the band on their facebook event—NONE of whom actually had ever gone to orgo night. And further fuck the guy who took it upon himself to shout over the woman from the band who was talking.
@socratic gayboy Well played CUMB, well played.
@Heisenberg Who was the crazy guy in the audience that interrupted the performance?
@boo boo trash i wanna know!
@BARNARDTRANS5+ shoutout to sam quillen for being tall af
@Ah well The DG “Dong Guzzlers” joke was very unnecessary but the rest of this was funny as fuck
@yaaaasssss thank you orgo night/cumb for doing what you do