Send us your anecdotes from NSOP, and we’ll turn them into masterpieces.
The New Student Orientation Program is a confusing time. You’re not just getting used to campus — you’re getting used to a new city, a new way of living, new people, new everything. Orientation is, if anything, disorienting. (Get it? Do you get it?)
While we can help you get to know your new home, we unfortunately can’t help you navigate orientation awkwardness. That said, we do want to hear about it. To that end, we invite you to contribute to our Morningside Diary (with apologies to the New York Times).
We’ll be taking your hastily-written or voice memo’d submissions (via DM on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter; our tips submission page; our inbox; or carrier pigeon) and publishing them on the blog, with full paragraphs and additional graphics from our crack team of illustrators. The plan is to publish everything at the end of orientation, but if we get enough daily submissions we’ll try to do a daily roundup. Point is, submit often! (If you don’t want your name attached to your story, just let us know.)
What can you send? Anything and everything. Let us know if you make a new friend or destroy campus property. The diary’s open to everyone experiencing NSOP (or any other undergraduate student orientation program) for the first time. No story’s too simple.
We look forward to seeing what you’ve got in store for us. And of course, welcome to Barnumbia!
Quill via Vecteezy
@Hey Bwog, what school do you go to? Check out Bwog’s staff listing. All the top editors are Barnard students. No wonder this “publication” tries so hard to convince people that Columbia is really called Barnumbia. Nice try.
@barnard editor shit you caught us