Today marked the end of the Barnard group housing lottery. Now it’s every man for himself…

Barnard’s housing lottery continued today with groups of six picking into suites. This was students’ last chance to pick with a larger group and a large majority of students were able to pick into housing!


Cutoffs are written as the group’s point value/their lottery number. For example, “300/5” refers to a group with a 300-point average (all rising seniors) whose lottery number was 5.

CG, Six singles: 200/16

CG, Four singles and one double: 200/17

616, Four singles and one double: 216/8 (a group value of 216 represents a group of five juniors and one senior by Bwog’s calculations)

616, Two singles and two doubles: 100/45

620, Four singles and one double: 216/7

620, Two singles and two doubles: 100/60

110, Three doubles: 100/82

600, Three doubles: 100/73

Plimpton, Four singles and one double: 100/78

What’s Gone:

All the 6-person suites were picked today leaving those with lottery numbers on the second day of the 6-person lottery largely out of luck. As in past years, Cathedral Gardens went fairly quickly as did the 616 and 620 suites with four singles. With a limited amount of seniors participating in the 6-person lottery, many juniors and even sophomores were able to score some highly coveted spots. As usual, many 6-person groups will be forced to split up and try their luck in the 123 lottery later this week. Out of the 100 groups formed, 21 either chose not to pick or were not able to.

Looking Ahead:

The Barnard 123 lottery will begin on Friday, April 1 at 10 am and will mark the last section of the Barnard housing lottery. There are a collection of studio singles and doubles as well as rooms in RA suites, suites with CARDS/other pre-accommodated students, suites larger than six people, and more! Those who do not pick will be placed on the Guaranteed List and will get housing assignments over the summer.

620 via Bwarchives