“Hot In It” is a song by Charli XCX. Enough said.

Tonight, your Bwog app is rocking it, dropping ‘em in.
Shake Bwog ass, no stopping it.
You’d look hot in it, hot in it, look hot in it.

Bwog applications are due tonight at 11:59 pm. All hotties can apply to be Staff Writers, Daily Editors, Techies, or Illustrators. Information about each position is in their respective articles, along with application questions and instructions. Applications should be sent to editors@bwog.com in PDF form with the subject: “Firstname Lastname Staff Writer/Daily Editor/Tech/Illustrator Application.” Decisions will be announced via email in advance of our next meeting, on Sunday, September 18 at 9 pm.

Happy applying! And listen to “Hot In It” (below) as inspiration ;)

Time to BeBwog via Bwog Staff.