Every summer, Bwog staff contribute to our Houses and Homes series, where we take you to the many places we’ve traveled to. The series continues with an entry from Internal Editor, Hannah Revels, from an eclectic hostel in Tel Aviv.

Where: A hostel located right off Gordon Beach in Tel Aviv, Israel! Complete with graffitied walls, a bar, the best hostel staff in the world, and a surfboard.

Sight: Anybody and everybody. But mainly my two roommates and the other students in my program! (Columbia/Barnard Hillel make some noise). The dog scene was also insane.

Sound: The bathroom sink was faulty for a period of time and kept “yelling” at us. The sink had a Mariah Carey octave range and was often most active at night. How lovely!

Smell: Hummus always, and tequila. I’m rocking with the combination, are you?

Touch: All of the sand particles that peppered the floor, it was ridiculous!

Taste: Lots of mangoes. And Israeli snacks, specifically those saltine crackers with the peanut butter in between them.

Hostel via author