Another year where Bwog tells you what costumes should maybe be reconsidered.

1. The Health And Safety Rating for Koronets

On the one hand, you get points for having a scary costume. On the other, I would rather just go on with my life without thinking about this one too hard.

2. A Character From The Iliad

Wow, did you read The Iliad? Fun fact: so did almost everyone else at this school! You are not special in having read it, and all this tells me about you is that I would rather eat a book than be in a seminar with you!

3. Not Dressing Up In An Attempt To Make A Statement

Sure, Halloween is silly, but it’s also fun! Let people have their fun, and at least come up with a half-assed costume. If anything, it’s an excuse to wear a crazy outfit and nobody will question it…even if it’s not really a full-on costume.

4. An Email From University Administrators

You’ll probably be telling people that the gates are closed again, and for that, we will all hate you. Or you’ll be saying something else that we’ll probably all hate you for. Either way, you will be hated by everyone.

5. A Spec Staffer

There are already too many of you anyway. Thank you, next!

6. The Independent

If you dress up as The Independent, just be sure to capture your “hetero-orthodox” outfit so you can bring a “home for public discourse” vibe that students don’t like. Oh, and you’ll probably be absolutely incomprehensible too.

7. Literally anything related to school

Guys. Please. None of us want to be thinking about the ghost of midterms past, or the last-minute papers we’ve written (or have yet to write). There are easier costumes that are way better than this.

The slight rage glowing within me when I see these costumes, colorized via Bwog Archives