I know that it’s cold, but let’s stay positive! There are so many amazing things to look forward to this winter!!

1. Dining Hall Hot Chocolates 

I absolutely love hot chocolate, and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t. My favorite thing is being able to grab a quick cup as you leave the dining hall, mentally preparing to brave the outside and fight your way through an aggressively cold gust of wind threatening to knock you over. Taking a dining hall hot chocolate to go is also an amazing way to procrastinate getting a pair of gloves. Just let the chocolatey heat seeping through the Columbia dining cup warm you up! 

*Disclaimer: This does not apply when there’s not enough chocolate in the machine and your hot cocoa comes out all watery and gross.*

2. Big Black Puffer Jackets 

There’s something so fun to me about walking across campus when every single person looks like they’re being swallowed by their jacket. It’s especially fun when everyone is wearing the same jacket. If you took the time to count every person you saw wearing a black puffer jacket in one day, I’m convinced you’d end up with over a hundred. It also comes in really handy when you’re trying to avoid someone on campus. Thought you saw me walking to Butler? Nope, it must have been someone else with a big black puffer jacket about to lock in. 

3. Students are Somewhat Happy 

It’s impossible to ignore the negative vibes that take over the Columbia community most of the time, but the minute December starts, everyone becomes possessed by the holiday spirit. The girl you never saw smile, not even once, is suddenly skipping happily on her way to class. People are so excited about Christmas and their plans to go ice skating in Bryant Park, and they make sure you know it. Their joy spreads across campus like the flu, and everyone is happy!!

4. Campus Covered in Snow 

Nothing compares to the first snow of the season. Everyone runs outside, catching snowflakes on their tongues and making snow angels, ensuring the vibes are perfect. It’s so wholesome watching the community come together as snowball fights break out and students build huge snowmen (and other various snow sculptures). At least for a little while, no one is worried about the paper they have due next week or the exam they have to study for later. Everyone is just excited to see the snow and have some winter fun. Columbia snow days are simply unmatched. 

 5. The Pretty Lights 

You can’t tell me that walking through the main gates and being surrounded by the lit-up trees doesn’t immediately make you smile. Winter can sometimes make things look bleak and gray really quickly, especially two days after a snowstorm where the leftover black snow/slush is piled over the garbage on each street corner. The lights bring some color and shine back to campus and dress it up a little. It’s like, once the trees are lit up, Columbia transforms into the female lead in a romcom who’s suddenly stunning after she stops wearing glasses. Basically, Columbia during winter = Mia Thermopolis in The Princess Diaries after her makeover.  

Snowy Columbia via Bwarchives