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Posts Tagged with "christmas"

Staff Writers Elaine Lloyd and Rory Collins joined a guided tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s medieval section.

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I know that it’s cold, but let’s stay positive! There are so many amazing things to look forward to this winter!!

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Columbia Carols

Christmas has gotten away from its roots: the day is supposed to commemorate the infant Jesus finishing his fall term of college and coming back to Bethlehem to celebrate the holidays. These carols attempt to bring back that spirit. Like a nativity play, these attempt to tell the story of December on campus.

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Staff writer Sydney Gerlach attended the December 15th live stream of the 15th Annual XMAS! show, Panic! At the Office, for an hour and a half of fun and humorous holiday hi-jinx written by Angela Lee (CC ‘22) and Ellie George (BC ‘23), and directed by Jack Becker (CC ‘21). 

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Staff Writer Sydney recounts one fateful Christmas Eve, where the Ivies came together for their annual family reunion and gift exchange.

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Deputy Events Editor Brigid Cromwell lives on 110th street and spends more time walking between her room and campus than you would think. With the holidays approaching, she wants to share her favorite way of spreading Christmas cheer on her walk home.

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Thanksgiving is one week away, so take time out of your Saturday morning to get informed on current happenings and impress your extended family with your ability to have a finger on the pulse of current news.

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XMAS!11: North Pole State of Mind is a student-written, holiday-themed, non-denominational musical. Last night, Staff Writer Lexie Lehmann went to the show (instead of studying for her finals), and was pleasantly amused by the show’s witty humor and clever storyline. XMAS! is a popular Columbia tradition that serves to provide a cathartic, entertaining outlet for […]

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It’s a week until Christmas, and you haven’t started buying gifts for your friends! It’s not really your fault – when you have a final on Christmas Eve Eve, it’s hard to focus on shopping. But if you haven’t quite found the perfect present for your Columbia friends, don’t worry. Momma Bwog has a lot […]

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Merry MoHi

College walk isn’t the only thing that’s lit (decorations-wise). Campus fixtures and local businesses are getting into the holiday spirit, too. Bwog rounded up some of our faves.

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For Christmas, Bwog asked (once again) some of our favorite people–who make life easier at the very least more exciting–what they want for non-denominational end-of-the-year/world gift giving.  See how you can make them so happy they could puke! Deantini is still hoping for that Ferrari 250 GTO (as last year Santa failed to deliver once again), but, […]

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Shops all over our wonderful neighborhood are already preparing for the spirit of the holidays. We went around and took some pics!

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As per (sort of) tradition, we asked a select few of our favorite people what tops their holiday wish lists. Read on to find out how you can regift that bunny your mom got you again even though you already have like SIX… Deantini wants a 1963 Ferrari 250 GTO, which he says has been what he’s […]

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From us to you: a Limited Edition Louise McCune Original poster of all of our Butler Archetype friends. We’ve left a stack on the shelves in the back of Butler Café, and a few around 209. If you don’t nab one today, don’t worry, we’ll be sprinkling them around the library over the coming week.

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You may have trouble making the trek from Hamilton to Butler without losing blood circulation, but the winter has its merits. Bwog strives to maintain its record of being jolly (even with purple fingers!). Including a few old faves, consider: Garb: Snoods Gloves that your grandmother knit so you can use your smartphone Sweaters with elbow patches […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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