Today marks the first day of the 123 Lottery for Barnard students. Welcome. With all of the Sulz Tower singles gone, it’s not looking promising for expectant Tuesday lottery number holders. But fear not—for any corridor-style hopefuls, singles are still widely available in Hewitt and Elliot Hall. As for the lottery as a whole, there are 290 rooms left and 395 housing groups that have yet to pick. Yikes. 

What’s gone: 

Sulz Tower singles, Cathedral Gardens singles, 110 singles, all 121 rooms, and all studios were seized today by rising seniors. Overall, the dorms picked today were pretty varied (though Sulz Tower, CG, 110, and 121 were preferred), and the common denominator was definitely a demand for singles. 

What’s left: 

15 singles total are still available in 616 and 620 and many singles in Elliot, Hewitt, and Plimpton. Doubles are widely available in all remaining buildings! Also, no triples are filled yet. For those interested in suite-style living, plenty of doubles are available in the 600’s, 110, and Plimpton. For those hoping for corridor living, Hewitt and Elliot have plenty of options remaining; Sulz Tower is a little more scarce, with only 9 double rooms remaining. 

Looking ahead: 

The rest of the rising seniors and lucky rising juniors can pick into housing tomorrow. Good luck to all who are hoping to snag one of the remaining singles!

Image via Bwog Archives