The vending machines in Lerner may no longer afford you the opportunity to get an Ipod with your diet Coke, but their swanky offering nevertheless continue to boggle the mind. The Bwog snapped a couple of photos of exciting additions to the snazzy ensemble: a $20.00 Metrocard (for $19.60!) and a $50 Bluetooth phone! This is the first floor of Lerner everybody. Go now. Buy, buy, buy!
What next? WHAT NEXT?
@photog it was indeed a bluetooth headset
@noooo... No it looks like a Bluetooth headset. Look closely in the dark region. Besides, why would there be a phone card specifically for a Bluetooth-enabled phone?
@Uh... …that doesn’t look like a Bluetooth phone. It looks like a $50 prepaid phone card for a Verizon Wireless Bluetooth-enabled phone.
@confused is tokyo the capital?
@lol it would be hilarious if someone bought that bluetooth thing for $50 but it got stuck. ha ha ha ha!
@umm? wait whats a bluetooth phone? and is it airtime for the phone or an actual phone
@Cigarettes We need some cigarette vending machines on campus!
@actually, no that’s illegal:
and trashy.
@IMD As a native of the vending machine capital of the world, I can tell you sir, that you would be quite happy in Japan.
@watcher Get your facts straight, bwog. It’s a $24 card that would normally cost $20 that has been reduced to $19.60.
The reason that people think that there is a Spec-Bwog war is that individual staffers on either side would wish it were so and sleight the others. It doesn’t have to be.
@cooool i think this is a first! the spec has been referenced to establish fact…. and it was correct information!
@wtf also, what is this phone?
@wtf there is absolutely no point in a $20 metrocard for $19.60. you’d have to be a complete moron to buy that!
@Incompetence So you mean to tell me that our “discount” metro cards are actually more expensive per ride than normal. I think I should have expected that.