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Posts Tagged with "vending machines"

Guest Bwogger Margherita Firenze walks us through the various vending machines on campus.

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Four Columbia professors have been elected fellows of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science. (Columbia) According to a recent Rolling Stone Interview, Weezy won’t be coming back to New York, stating “they’d have to give me U2 money” to lure him back. Start fundraising Bacchanal! (Boombox) Kraft created a vending machine that chooses food for […]

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The Mets win opener 7-1. The 96th St subway station’s new entrance has been opened. Thanks to Columbia, retro vending machines no longer have a home. Gothamist loves Bwog! They’ve introduced an etiquette guide.

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There seem to be some big changes afoot in Mudd. It’s a tale with which we are all too familiar: vending machine change insanity! Click to enlarge for the full scoop. Yes, you heard us: scoop.

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New vending machines in Butler Cafe and Uris are getting macho and crunchy, respectively. The B-School cafeteria, which already basically monopolizes the other vending machines on this campus anyway, is offering FreshDirect microwaveables: Rosa Mexicano Chicken and Cheese Enchiladas with Ranchera Sauce, Terrance Brennan Beef Bourguignon with Egg noodles, and Wild Alaskan Halibut with Wild […]

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It’s Alive!

  Bwog has confirmed that what anonymous tipsters saw this morning was not in fact more preparatory nonsense, but the long-awaited awakening of Lerner’s Only Hot Dog Machine. Bwog’s dry-run (we missed the “take your condiments NOW” part of the process) revealed a warmer and juicier product than expected. See it for yourself after the […]

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Though still devoid of frankfurters chilled, grilled, or otherwise, the Empti Lounge’s hot dog machine appears to be the newest member of Columbia’s illustrious Flex network. A technician installed a Flex reader on the front panel of the machine today, enabling you to pass off your sizeable weiner bills to your parents as soon as […]

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Yesterday, a Bwog operative was eating lunch in the formerly-known-as-Tasti Lounge, when a maintenance man approached the hot dog machine. The maintenance man proceeded to open the bowels of this strange beast for all to see.   Unfortunately…

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We’ve been hearing a lot about Business School professors opposing the government bailing out Wall Street investment banks, but according to IvyGater Robyn Schneider, they have no problem bailing out their vending machines.  They have lowered the prices of Luna Bars and Vitamin Waters so that even the poorest MBA student can afford them.  The […]

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…who apparently are the heroes behind this bold endeavor, which seems to have ceased publication but is still the most wonderful blog devoted to a vending machine that we have ever seen. Columbia, meet Robby.    

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The vending machines in Lerner may no longer afford you the opportunity to get an Ipod with your diet Coke, but their swanky offering nevertheless continue to boggle the mind. The Bwog snapped a couple of photos of exciting additions to the snazzy ensemble: a $20.00 Metrocard (for $19.60!) and a $50 Bluetooth phone! This […]

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Bwog is grateful for Columbia’s sizeable flock of vending machines, with their promise of large amounts of readily available, prepackaged foods, junk and otherwise. Certain oddities within the vending machine empire, however, cannot be ignored.  •     The green leaf symbol, supposedly found next to so-called “healthy snack choices” in campus vending machines, suffers from highly inconsistent […]

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Bwog noted in February that iPods, newly present in Lerner vending machines, had apparently become as necessary to our daily lives as chips and condoms. In today’s edition of Education Life, the New York Times makes the same observation, and discloses that the same number of iPods have been stolen (four) as have been bought. […]

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