Did we do the time warp again? Why is it so warm outside? Isn’t it supposed to be Winter in December? Bwog superstar Britt Fossum engages in the discourse regarding our unseasonably warm weather. The End is Nigh. How are we expected to study for finals when it’s a balmy 60 degrees Fahrenheit every day, […]
Fall 2015 marked the fourth semester in a row in which a new board took the helm of Bwog: in August we lost former Editor in Chief Taylor Grasdalen to Duluth, Minnesota. Britt Fossum, CC ’16, took Grasdalen’s place as EIC. Joseph Powers, CC ’16, took Fossum’s place on the board as Internal Editor, with Courtney Couillard, BC […]
The Culture of Butler Library is strange indeed, especially in the dark days of finals. People sleep, eat, and brush their teeth in the library. Wars are waged over seats in the ref room. People lose their humanity in there. One particular example is the peculiar habit of accumulating piles of garbage around an individual’s […]
Ah, the Hungarian Pastry Shop. Everyone’s favorite problematic (cash only? seriously?) hideaway spot. Except recently, the peace in this small Eastern European oasis is being threatened by a new species of customer – the Tinder folk, anxiously embarking upon their first dates. Does this anger you as much as it angers us? Either way, join our Editor-in-Chief Britt […]
Still confused about who to support for the 2016 Election? Why not use some back-of-the-envelope statistics provided by Bwog, written by the all-seeing election guru Britt Fossum. B-of-the-E Assumptions (based on Facebook): There are 304 likes on the “Columbia Students For Hillary” Facebook page. Assume the 84 likes on “CU Ready for Hillary” Page overlap […]
Bwog Editor-In-Chief Britt Fossum had the fortunate opportunity to attend one of PrezBo’s intimate “fireside chats,” bringing a junior staffer along as her escort. The pair report back about the exclusive event to you here–lucky you! Another year, another fireside chat. Milling about in a crowd of freshmen and administrators, I felt like an expert at […]
Columbia faculty do all types of great things for the world. Editor in Chief Britt Fossum interviewed one of them, Kartik Chandran, who recently earned a MacArthur Fellowship for his work on transforming wastewater. The office of the Chandran research group is located at the very end of a quiet Mudd hallway. In fact, I’m […]
Seniors in CC, SEAS, BC, and GS, Bwog wants to hear about your first tentative steps into real life. We are seeking applicants for a series of weekly columns to run through the rest of the Academic year describing the job hunt, applications to graduate or professional school, and other paths, along with the accompanying […]
While there is no last chance to #RushBwog and swing by our open meetings at 7 PM in the SGO, today is your last chance to fill out an application for a more permanent position on our staff. Send ’em in to editors@bwog.com by midnight tonight (that is, 11:59 PM on Tuesday, September 15). Application […]
For Reading Week, Bwog is sharing a walk a day leaving from Columbia’s campus. Today’s Walk to Remember comes from Internal Editor Britt Fossum, who has been known to stress-walk approximately 500 miles when faced with looming finals. When you get kind of stir crazy after a long day in Butler, head off campus to […]
Bwog Chopped is back after a long hiatus with Internal Editor Britt Fossum attempting to create a culinary masterpiece out of the bare cabinets of our Arts Editor. This week’s recipe is for those with a strong constitution and an excess of tomato soup. I was told that all I would have to work with […]
Yesterday, Internal Editor and scientific savant Britt Fossum headed to Hamilton to listen to Columbia’s resident boss Jeffrey Sachs talk ethics and universities. Yesterday evening was the first talk in a new series hosted by the Masters Program in Bioethics at Columbia titled “What is a Moral University in the 21st Century?” The speaker was none […]
Bwog’s Internal Editor Britt Fossum is passionate about chemistry, Discworld, and taking care of your children. In this edition of In Defense Of, she tackles the stereotypes of being a babysitter while in college. I usually like to stay close to campus on weeknights. I get a bit anxious if I’m too far away from Butler […]
Bucket List represents the intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. Welcome to our first Bucket List of the Spring Semester! Our recommendations for this week are below and the full list is after the jump. If you notice any events that have been left off the list, or a correction, please leave them in […]
Dear Bwog, One of my friends is having a hard time finding mental health help. She has panic attacks and really severe depression. She was really triggered by the recent death, and went to counseling services in search of immediate counseling and medication to control her panic attacks. She asked Furman for immediate counseling and […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025