Last Friday, Bwog attended the opening performance of Mayday, Columbia’s 130th annual Varsity Show. This year’s production was directed by Caroline Egler (BC ‘24), and written by Julian Gerber (CC ‘24) and Casey Rogerson (CC ‘24).
“Where Art Thou” is a weekly guide to interesting and notable lectures, events, and performances for the literary/musically/theatrically-inclined.
“Where Art Thou” is a weekly guide to interesting and notable lectures, events, and performances for the literary/musically/theatrically-inclined.
On Sunday night, Arts Editor Isa RingswaldEgan attended an exclusive preview screening of Explaining Elizabeth, a movie musical written and directed by Trevor Siegel (CC ‘24), and contributed to by more than 40 other Columbia students.
“Where Art Thou” is a weekly guide to interesting and notable lectures, events, and performances for the literary/musically/theatrically-inclined.
On Monday afternoon, Arts Editor Isa RingswaldEgan sat down with student filmmaker, Trevor Siegel (CC ‘24), and student musician who scored the film, Terry Foley (GS ‘24), to discuss their new movie musical, Explaining Elizabeth.
“Where Art Thou” is a weekly guide to interesting and notable lectures, events, and performances for the literary/musically/theatrically-inclined.
“Where Art Thou” is a weekly guide to interesting and notable lectures, events, and performances for the literary/musically/theatrically-inclined.
“Where Art Thou” is a weekly guide to interesting and notable lectures, events, and performances for the literary/musically/theatrically-inclined.
On Saturday afternoon, Arts Editor Isa RingswaldEgan attended the Athena Film Festival’s screening of Periodical (2023), a documentary about menstrual justice, directed by Lina Lyte Plioplyte.
“Where Art Thou” is a weekly guide to interesting and notable lectures, events, and performances for the literary/musically/theatrically-inclined.
“Where Art Thou” is a weekly guide to interesting and notable lectures, events, and performances for the literary/musically/theatrically-inclined
In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024