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Posts Tagged with "veesh"

Last Friday, Bwog attended the opening performance of Mayday, Columbia’s 130th annual Varsity Show. This year’s production was directed by Caroline Egler (BC ‘24), and written by Julian Gerber (CC ‘24) and Casey Rogerson (CC ‘24).

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Bwog attended the Saturday evening performance of Transfer of Power, the 129th Annual Varsity Show. This year’s production was directed by Jackie Balestrieri (BC ’24), written by Julian Gerber (CC ’24) and Katy Haden (CC ’23), and produced by Amalia Garcia (BC ’23) and Abby Svelan (BC ’25), with lyrics by Ava Roberts (CC ’25). The […]

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Directed by Sophia Houdaigui, BC ’21 and produced by Antara Agarwal, CC ’20 and Nakiri Gallagher-Cave, CC ’21, the 126th Annual Varsity Show: We Hope This Musical Finds You Well, premiered Saturday, January 2nd. Staff Writers Sydney Contreras and Mary Qiu review the livestream of this long-awaited virtual musical.

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It’s that time of year again: a bunch of theater nerds send us an email at midnight announcing the people who have been budgeted an exorbitant amount of money to put together yet another mediocre Varsity Show. All we have to say is that our left titty could probably write a funnier show. Here’s the full creative […]

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There is no other mail we would rather receive at 3:24 a.m. than the cast of the 123rd annual Varsity Show. Find the list we’ve been refreshing our inbox all night for below: Francisco Alvidrez CC ’19 India Beer BC ’20 Bernadette Bridges CC ’19 Xander Browne CC ’19 (V122) Julia Dooley BC ’20 Harrison […]

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Our Arts Editor attended the 122nd Annual Varsity Show on opening night. Here is Bwog’s review of the production, as well as Moïse’s comments on the show. Last night marked the opening night of a three day run of the 122nd Annual Varsity Show, co-written by Anika Benkov (CC ’16) and Michael Rodriguez (CC ’16) and directed by Jonah […]

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Looks cool, right Tickets for the 122nd Annual Varsity Show go on sale today! Get yours here. The show is on April 29th and 30th at 8 PM. There will also be a matinee on May 1st at 2 PM along with a night show at 8 PM. Whether or not you went to the West End […]

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In this technological world of constant phone alerts, Bwog has decided to provide the student body with a few essential Columbia apps for download on your phone! Here are names and descriptions of these nifty and useful must-haves: PrezBo@CU – an app that provides live feed of PrezBo sightings Jobs@CU – an app that deletes […]

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What do you know about the Varsity Show? The 122nd Annual Varsity Show West End Preview is happening tonight twice, for 30 minutes each, at 7:30 and at 10:00 PM in the Diana. According to tradition—and the event’s Facebook page—, the Varsity Show team will be presenting a selection of songs and scenes from this year’s full Varsity Show. […]

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Another lovely Bwogger shares their Wisdom. If you’ve ever needed some guidance on sunburns, free sweatshirts, or the day after Bacchanal, Renée Kraiem is the woman to talk to. Name, School, Major: Renée Kraiem, BC ‘14, English Claim to fame: More famous for getting outed on Bwog than working for it, apparently. Where are you going? Literally nowhere. I’ll […]

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Late last night, Bwog was ushered into the back room of Havana, usually reserved for drunken revelry and awkward hook-ups, for a different sort of party—The 120th Annual Varsity Show’s West End Preview. Although it still had its share of awkward premises and jokes that fell flat, we should note that we’re going to be […]

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Without further ado, here is the cast you can expect to see on stage this spring in V120. Congrats all around to the cast! Sam Balzac CC ’17 Ellie Beckman CC ’16 Brittany Beljak BC ’16 Lacey Bookspan BC ’17 Michael Carter CC ’14 Alex Donnelly CC ’14 Lindsay Garber BC ’16 Emma Grueskin BC […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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